Bad beat donkaments
Sometimes, it’s really weird how things turn out in those (sort of massive) online donkaments aka guaranteed mtts. I decided to switch it up a little today and abstained from playing SnGs tonight, instead I jumped into the 10k guaranteed on Stars. With a pretty low buyin of 15 + 1.5, it’s a real minefield, but hey….it got a pretty nice payout if you’re able to dodge bullets. I was able to do just that and I handed out my share of bad beats during the first hours (read: 2). One was me cracking KK with ATo on a ten high flop…rivered a ten, I had him covered…the other one was even nastier, I repopped a EP limper with Ac9c….all fold around to him…he insta-calls…oh well…what can he have…yeah….aces….I flopped two clubs and rivered the nuts….not bad. Heading into the first break I was down to 5k with a 7.xk average, not all that pretty, so I decided to come out aggressive after the break. So I open-shoved the first hand after the break and collected the blinds and antes. A few hands later I’m thinking that a shorty is stalling as we’re approaching the bubble. He takes forever…then I realize that it’s not him stalling after all as the “connecting” screen pops up….I rise and have a look at my router…the internet led is blank. Great, just the best time to have that happen…after all the blinds are high and I want action. No such luck for the next 10-15 minutes. So sick. Once I’m finally able to reconnect (after a few router-resets), I’m down to 4.xk with the blinds at 1 and 2k….great…I’m able to double up twice and then the deciding hand comes down. Setup: I’m in the BB with KK….guess what’s happening….
Shorty in MP pushes. Hmm…I’m not folding. Shorty+1 (big stack) pushes over the top. Folded around to me. Hmmm….I’m thinking “Well, there’s a good chance he’s only got Ax…am I willing to try to dodge the fourty aces in the deck?”….I think a little more, and I’m thinking “Well, if you fold Kings here, what happens if the shorty has the Ax and the big stack has a small pair or a rag ace too? No equity here…AWWWWWWWWWIN”. So I push all-in and see them flip up 33 (shorty) and AK (big stack)…my dreams of chipping up to 71+k is crushered as the flop comes down TA6…turn gives me a short glimpse of hope: Q…I’m yelling for a J or a K….but no such luck and I’m busto in 99th out of 1593….three outs got me…then again I cracked Kings and Aces early on…so I’m still up 2:1 in good:sick beats….
Summary: Played really well, had some luck – good and bad – had the worst luck – the almost 15 minute disconnect – had only 4 premium hands the whole way AA (no action), KK twice (no action; busto) and JJ…apart from that some small pair (e.g. 88 thrice doubling up early and twice before going busto)…even won a flip or two along the way…so not all that bad…I’m outta here…enjoy the pic dump (in chronological order) and gl at the tables…

SwDP and some headsup
Played a little four-card bingo aka the Saturdays with Dr. Pauly tourney. The usual madness ensues early. I catch some good hands (preflop) and sometimes even connect lightly to the flop…still no dice (e.g. AsAcJc5s…flop with two spades…turn and river blank)…finally I manage to run Queens into Kings…money goes in post-flop with an all-under board…obv he’s got two small connectors to go with the kings and flopped a straight with ’em…me drawing dead…wheee…out in 25th of 30. Sucky suck…PLO just isn’t my game…I love PLO8, but really hate PLO…why? Because I can’t have a hand hold up and when a big pot comes down and I have 3/4 the deck to catch…well….the other 1/4 hits…all the time….
After that usual disappointment – why do I even play this tourney, it doesn’t make sense – I switched to headsup and crushed some donkeys. They were out in full force tonight and I managed to bust all but one going 4-1. Gem of the evening: Player raising to 140 in the first hand (10/20 blinds). I fold. Player raising to 140 in the second hand. I fold. Player raising to 140 in the third hand…I look down at A5s and shove. He thinks for 10 seconds then calls…he shows 35o…errm yeah…good move…lol…I’m outta here…gl at the tables everyone…
I <3 PLO donkaments
*lol* where ppl can call pot-sized bets preflop, on the flop, on the turn and on the river….pretty nice…especially if you lose with trip aces…then the very next hand same deal, this time it’s pot-sized bets preflop, on the flop and on the turn (all-in) and you get call by TP and a gutshot against your Aces with the nut-flush draw…sure enough the gutterball hits on the river….*lol*…that’s so sick that I can laugh really hard about it…
Apart from that I went 2:1 in HU SnGs…and enjoyed myself listening to PokerRoad’s Crew (including Annette_15) ribbing my main man smokkee about his WSOP backing deal…who pitched it to them? The Smokkeester himself :p
Good night and gl at the tables….
KORS – want to take part in the ultimate tilter?
If so, and I’m talking about playing RAZZ with poker bloggers here, make sure you check out Brickin the nutz (just click on the pic below) to find all the details about the new 200+16$ KORS…

Another solid bodonkey finish…
…still nowhere near the money, close to the points though. It all started out pretty nicely, I don’t have my stats here as I switch to the laptop during the first break, but I can tell you this much:
1. Lucky: I got a shit-load of “monster hands” during the first hour, not such much the pocket pairs, but the AK/AQ hands…I think I had AKs thrice, AKo twice, AQs twice, AQo thrice, Aces, Kings once Queens.
2. Lucky: I flopped quads in the second hand with 33 on a K33 flop…
3. Unlucky: not much action though with most of the hands, even lost the usual “flip” with AQ vs JT…
In the second hour the deck cooled off considerably and the play is mostly a blurr. Two hands stick out…the first one was the following gem of a hand – you fold for 3-4 orbits straight as you look down at rag after rag after rag and face races everytime you’re in the blinds. This time you look down at Kings though…I like! What I don’t like is the instacall of my opponent preflop. Sure enough Aces…flop brings him the set and I’m pretty much out the door right before the second break, but wait, there’s two more cards to come.

After that play is mostly a blurr again as I fold and fold and fold. The next interesting hand comes up once I repop a standard raise preflop with JJ…sure enough I get instacalled by the monster KTs. I flop a Jack and my opponent is drawing dead on the turn. Life! Break time.
After that I pretty much fold myself to death again. I got a lot of monster-stacks, including the host himself at my table and one of them is putting the pressure on fa-shizzle and I’m nowhere near claiming the bounty on Smokkee’s head. Once I folded two orbits again I think it’s time to make a move with 15BB. I open for a standard raise, which represents 1/3 of my stack. I get repopped all-in. Hmmm….what level of thinking should I apply here? Any suggestions welcome (my thought process was rather difficult)…I decided to go with it…to my dismay my opponent shows me the usual AKo and I’m dominated, but wait…Qxx flop…wow…now I’m a big favourite, only need to dodge 3 outs twice…turn x….river A….booooooom headshot. Still disappointed about that river, but let’s be objective: he put his money in good…best in best out…still sucks though, but what are you going to do, at least I got knocked out with the second best hand for once 😉

So, I bust out in 16th of 45…two hours of poker fun…no money…insane rhythm and no sleep…wheeee….I’ll be back for next season, if there is one.

So…before I head to bed…I would like to take the chance for two quick thank yous:
1. Thanks to Smokkee for hosting!
2. Thanks to Bodog for all the extra added T$, cool stuff there!
I’m out…night night….
The bodonkey makes me sick
Every time I play, I play good poker. This time it was 2 1/2 hours. We’re down to 12 and the blinds are 400/800. I’ve folded for three orbits and I finally pick up a hand. AcKc. I raise it and get reraised to almost put me all-in. As I’ve commited 33% of my stack already I’m willing to flip if necessary. That being said, I hope I got my opponent dominated, but no…the usual he shows KK. So good so far, the usual “cooler”. I’m too tired to look it up now, but I got the impression that everytime I bomb out of the bodonkey it’s either me, monster vs opponent, monster+1 or me, monster vs opponent, bs and he get’s his x outer. So sick. I mean come on, I stay awake for a tourney that starts at 3:05am. I play my heart out and then I get felted on a hand like this. Damn it. Why don’t you just put that dagger in after 20 minutes?
Back to my final hand…of course the flop contains none of the usual 17 aces in the deck, but wait…the case king popped right up….but wait…there are two clubs…hmm….turn pairs the board and the only thing that the dealer does in favour of me: he doesn’t put the third club on board, which honestly would have set me on mega-tilt…
Hand Number 1237572569
Start Date 2008-05-21 05:35:56
End Date 2008-05-21 05:36:33
Pot Size $16.700,00
Rake $0,00
Game Type Hold’Em
Play Mode Real
Table Name Online Poker Blogger Tournament
Structure NL
Community Cards Kd 3c 5c 5d 8s
Name Seat
Position Cards
Dealt Start/End
Amount Total
Bet Win/Loss
raisydaisy22 1 $7.448,00/$7.073,00 $375,00 $-375,00
KJTech 2 $8.910,00/$8.235,00 $675,00 $-675,00
Ingoal 3 K A $7.750,00/$0,00 $7.750,00 $-7.750,00
Riggstad 5 K K $14.340,00/$23.290,00 $7.750,00 $8.950,00
RecessRampage2 8 $8.235,00/$8.160,00 $75,00 $-75,00
APOSEC72 9 $9.997,50/$9.922,50 $75,00 $-75,00
Anyway…I’m really bummed out right now…and tired…05:45am and I’m sick of it…really sick of it…I doubt I will be playing the bodonkey in the near future, it’s just not healthy for me anymore…what’s the point in staying up that late, just to be felted on a cooler every week…so fuck it…I’m outta here…
No joy in the bodonkery
Quite a frustrating comeback to the bodonkey tonight. First I bounced from table to table until the final setup was done…then I pretty much squeezed my way around…then dodged the first cooler…QQ vs KK…at least I didn’t get it in preflop…so I only lost the bare minimum after a K dropped on the flop and I mucked the queens. The next ugly hand was when my velvet hammer (72o) was crushered on the river on a 25679 board…J8 took down the pot…he did have some outs though as it was s00ted and the board contained two hearts…add the open-ender….and boom headshot on the river.
My exit in 38th place came just after the break, after switching to playing on my laptop…not a good move I guess, lol. I look down at AK in the BB and see a MP raise and two calls of 350…I decide that it’s the perfect spot to squeeze. I get called in one spot – by the chipleader, the only player in the hand that has me covered – he shows QQ and I’m happy to report that my streak holds up…no coin-flip win in sight on bodog and I’m out…oh well…at least I can finally catch some sleep now…
Shoutout to Smokkee for hosting…cya next time…
Uneventful saturday at the tables…
Played the now usual 9-handed SnGs a little today…no joy in either one of them…managed to squeeze into the money once (3rd), bubbled 3 times…busted out earlier 4 times…yuck.
Then I played a little four-card bingo courtesy of Saturdays with Dr. Pauly…my starting table included the host himself and the action was pretty wild early on. I managed to dump more than half of my stack against Aces…I knew he had them…but after the turn gave me a straight- + flush-draw along with the good old trips and two pair draw I just couldn’t fold…I guess I could have gone broke here, too…but didn’t. I managed to bust out soon enough though…AKJx against QQxx and TTxx…I flopped the ace…turned two pair…but managed to lose to a straight on the river…oh well…bingo…reverse…after that I watched the rest of the tourney and saw Waffels do pretty good…until he busted out in fifth. Seems he’s back into the same routine as me in recent MTTs…”Do well until you can see the finish line…then manage to crap into your pants infront of the stall-door”…too bad…I would have loved to see him win another one…
Anyway…I’m outta here…time to catch some sleep and maybe the (SnG-) World will look brighter tomorrow…
Happy, happy, happy…
…or the return of the home-game king
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, the home game was scheduled for tonight. I started off at the slower and IMHO weaker table, not so good and good for me. I played two major pots (in the first one I raise UTG with AA get called in two spots…flop comes down king high and I fire right out…the LP player folds (he later told me he had nines)…button calls…turn is a blank and I push…the by then small-stacked button calls with AK…nice…dead to two outs…and now…surprise…it didn’t hit…wheeeeeeeeee what a happy, good feeling to have a hand stand up; in the second one I limp on the button with 3d4d…the blinds and me see the flop come down A25 rainbow (one diamond)…wheeeeeee…flopping the joint…SB leads right out….wheeeeeee #2….BB folds…I raise big…SB calls…turn is another 2…the 2d no less…SB checks…I put her all-in…she ponders and ponders…but she’s commited at that point…she calls with AQo…drawing to two outs again…and surprise surprise…it doesn’t hit either…..wheeeeeeeeeee #3). So we’re down to the final three, which move on to the final table.
After a loooooong wait the final table final starts. We see a quick all-in by two short-stacks in the first hand and they both go busto. So we’re down to four with three ITM…bubble time. We finally lose the bubble boy and we’re ITM after a few hands. Then the crapshoot begins…the blinds are ridonkulous…and the big stack is trigger happy…I fold fold fold until I can’t take it anymore. Once the big stack button finally folds a hand preflop I shove from the small blind….bb folds. Then I double up against the big stack when he shoves with Td2d…I look down at AdKd on the button, King on the flop and no backdoor miracle…a few hands later, the former big stack is the shortstack and I double him up losing a 40/60 shot (KJ vs Ax)…I finally bust him when he moves all-in from the SB…I insta-call with KJo and got him crushered, he holds 6s2s and no miracle hits….
Headsup it’s a shovefest…I finally have the best of it (I hold almost a 2:1 chiplead at that point) and when my opponent shoves on the button I instacall again with KJo…he has J9 s00ted…the King hits again and I’m the homegame king again….finally….how long I’ve waited for this one.
One things for sure: in the end, when the blinds were big, it could have gone the other way…the major difference between tonight’s game and the last x games was though that my hands stood up when they needed to…plain and simple…no miracles for my opponents today…ooooh the satisfaction…I’m off with a smile…cya at the tables soonish…
I thought I was over…
…complaining about coolers…but then again, I just can’t stand it when I play for almost 1.5 hours…flawless poker…then I run into a cooler on the bubble. The first hand I played at the final table too…I raise it up UTG…get called in one spot…sure enough he fires after I check it to him….I shove…insta-call…and cya…sigh…