Slighty up, playing good…mostly
Got around to play a little today, 8 SnGs and one double shootout, a grand total of 297 hands (lol). Was headsup on the first table in the shootout, but just couldn’t overcome the good run of my opponent. He busted all other players before we were headsup and despite being at a major chip deficit I stuck to my plan and got to almost even. Then I couldn’t improve on an TP vs TP situation in which I was outkicked.
The 6 handed SnGs were about breakeven (1W in four tries, net -2.6$), what saved me were the 11$ heads up matches only played 4 won 3 of them including a 4-player-match…so that put me up to 27.95$ up for the session…that doesn’t matter much to me though, what matters is that I played good and made solid decisions, feels good when you call a big river bet with 68o for third pair and you’re right…
Alrighty…I’m dead-ass tired…so I’ll leave you with the usual pic dump and new pt graph…good luck and may the felt be with you…

XMAS with Dr. Pauly
In case you missed the first “event” 5$ “crack dipped in heroin” aka PLO…you still got a shot at playing with the good doctor and friends tonight. The second event is already up for registration on pokerstars…it’s 3$ chasedevil aka Razz…head on over to Pauly’s twitter account for the usual password (hint: his poker blog)…
My first event was pretty horrible. While I enjoyed playing with Mr. CantHang and others, the deck kept bending me over…oh well…I’m outta here…heading to a birthday party…then maybe the Razz event (although the 5am start time isn’t all that appealing to me ;-))…

Success…online and live
Sunday October 18th 2009, 2:41 am
Filed under:
Casual Play,
Heads Up,
Live Play,
No-Limit Hold'em,
Yeah, today was a good day, so don’t let yourself be fooled by the first couple of screenshots below…they’re from the last few weeks…the later ones are from today. After buying the MicroStakes Edition of PokerTracker 3 (see my earlier post) I jumped into a 5 table SnG and owned it, finishing with a W and a smile on my face. After that I broke even in a few headsup matches and took my lazy ass to the couch to relax a little as there was another installment of the home game tonight.
I arrived at the home game and we sat down 9 handed playing our regular tourney (more than 6 players, so the money is split three ways, 50/30/20% of the price pool). I owned that too, coming back from being really short (5BB) to win it. After that we decided to play another one, 6 players including myself saddled up for a winner takes it all SnG. I was among the chipleaders most of the way, but once we got even shorter, 4 and then 3 players, I just couldn’t get a hand to hold up anymore. The really decisive hand was me in LP against the BB (?). Limped pot and we see a flop of 9Tx…I hold J7. Opponent bets out around 3BB. I decide to peel off a card and we see the turn. 8. Yatzee. My opponent goes all-in instantly and I snap-call showing the nuts. He’s really disappointed and his only hope is a J as he’s holding Q9. Dealer burns and turns….a J….three outs = 100%…yikes. Too bad. A few hands later I tangle with the same player again. I open-shove for 12BB and he calls. I show down AcQh, he shows KJ. 60/40…I’ll take it, if my hand holds up I’m back in contention. No such joy though as the dealer flops a King, turns a Jack and doesn’t peel off a ten on the river for me…so I bow out in 3rd place with 0. Oh well, at least he went on to win it, and btw he really deserved to win something…he’s been running like hell in the last few home-games…so ‘s all good. Enjoy the random pic dump and I’m outta here…

So, I played a little tonight…some PLO8, some NL Hold’em…then I got coolered in both…so I fell back to the main-torture, Razz. Played an MTT, nearly four hours later I bow out in third place after getting short on a cooler…what can you do. A third is not a second and not a W…but oh well…I’ll take it…home game tomorrow…so I’ll better catch some sleep and chill out a little…

No, I’m not dead…
…I just took some time off, a two week vacation to egpyt…followed by some other offline relaxing. Now I’m back, I’ve played a little again over the last few days, nothing major. Didn’t feel like it and it showed, broke even mostly…lost a little, then won a little…nothing major…
…and the deck didn’t help my cause either, e.g. the following hand in the 30k on Stars…I swear I felt it coming on the flop…and of course…bingo, bango, bongo…oh well…hell of a way to go out and all…I’m outta here…see you soon

Fucked again…
…what can I say, poker is a cruel bitch and pokerstars can lick my balls. The setup is perfect, I’m playing some damn good poker for over 2 hours in a 2-7 single draw NL MTT. I’m the massive chipleader with 50k+ chips and we’re down to nine players. Up and down for roughly an hour and I’m out in ninth place. What happened? Losing two monsterpots starting with a pat 86 each time and losing both (one to a pat 85, and one against an opponent drawing 1 to a 75 aka the nuts)…well done pokerstars. Obviously the money doesn’t matter to me at all in this tourney (first place 40.43$), I wanted to win so bad…but no…looking back at it I still can’t explain it. Two shorties should have been out a long time ago and I would have entered the final table with 1/3 of the chips. Instead I double up one shortstack and then go ahead and lose the two coolers described above. Fucking a++…
I’m outta here…and as I’ll take a little vacation to cologne with my footie team on friday, I won’t be back until monday anyway…and probably I won’t even play poker until next friday, when the next live home game will take place…maybe I can catch a break there…we’ll see…anyway…enough ranting…I’m tired…and outta here…

Close but no cigar
Nope, still no return to online pohka…but there was a home game tonight. Wheeee. First the first bbq of the new year…yummy…then some good ole poker action. Eleven new and old donks saddled up and over 3 hours we were in the money (top three). I was sitting second in chips after coming to the final table with roughly 4BB. But still, the chipleader was a mile away. I put away player number three when he limped in the SB…I looked down at snowmen in the BB and it was an easy shove for me. He thought about it for a bit, but there was no real possibility there for him to fold, he was already commited with the limp and the huge blinds. So he called with K2o promptly flopping a king…the turn brought one of the remaining eights to leave him drawing dead – just to rub it in the dealer peeled off a King on the river giving me the boat to his three kings.
Headsup was a quick afair. Three hands in we got it all in the middle – the blinds were huge and I was at a 1:5 chip-deficit, so when my opponent shoved on the button I only had to look at one card…it was a King and I snap-called. My K9o wasn’t in that bad a shape, he showed A6o…and Ace on the flop was enough to hold me off so I took second place. Not bad the way I’ve been running recently (on- and offline)…so I’ll take it, a good evening with friends, nice bbq and some pohka…I like…alrighty…that’s all for now…I’m outta here, time to catch some sleep. Good luck at the tables…and cya next time…
Why do I even bother take 100.001
That’s about all I have to say about tonight…oh…that and pokerstars you owe me three hours of my life you fucking dickwads…I’m outta here…

My day
My day in poker…

…that is all…
The return of the DS monster – W$ anyone?
I’m really exhausted after some of the best poker in my life…so just a quick pic dump…W$ anyone? I’ve never sold those before (I sold T$ before on pokernews)…Edit: I did the trade using this time, they offered the best rate at 92% and the transaction was painless…fill in form…request trade via pokerstars…wait…two minutes later…boom….done…. 😀

I’m outta here tired but smiling…