Royal flush squared
Sometimes poker is just fun…other times it’s just sick. As I’m sick like in ill, I played “a little” on ftp today. Racked up > 600 FTP which is unheard of in my grinding. An to make a long story short it was up and down and up and down and down down down. Almost busto in the process, but with a shiny “Gold Edge Sticker”…lol…as it’s approaching 4am over here, I’m too lazy to attach the numerous screenshots, which shall follow in another post.
One thing is worth mentioning though…lost to a royal flush not once, but twice today – remarkable, what are the odds? In other news: lost to a one outer while holding aces and flopping the world, lost lost lost…I’m off to bed, if I can keep myself from vomit-laughing…sometimes poker is so sick that you can only laugh about it to keep your sanity. Today is one of those days were this is true with a capital T….I’m off…cya…
Poker is making me sick again…
Sorry for the lack of posting, madly busy at work these days, so basically no playing on weekdays, only on the weekends and if I feel like it.
Had a nice run the last few weeks, that changed to a so-and-so run the past few days and to a disaster today. I couldn’t win when it mattered and I think I bubbled more than I’ve ever have…so sick…oh well…I’ll stop the bleeding for today and just quit for the day…no use in throwing more money away as I can’t win even a 95% hand when it counts…I’m outta here to de-steam…

Honestly, why do I even bother anymore?
I think I need a real break from the grind.
Reason 1: I can’t get any traction what so ever, well, if you don’t count accelerating faster and faster downwards into a bottom-less pit.
Reason 2: Poker used to be fun, win or lose, didn’t bother me all that much either way (obv not at all while winning)…nowadays I’m frustrated either way as it’s either a “break even” or slim result (thanks rake) or a devastating loss.
Reason 3: I’m fed up posting bs hand after bs hand, no matter if I put it in 4:1, 3:1, 2:1, 1:1, preflop, postflop, on the turn, on the river…doesn’t matter…if it’s a small or totally irrelevant pot, sure I win here and there, but come crunch time I get my nuts crunched like they’re walnuts.
Reason 4: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Nuff said…
So, I’m outta here, once again telling myself that I should take a break, let’s see if I can stick to it this time…we’ll see…

Nothing much going on…
…nothing major anyway. Pretty tired these days, so not much action going on. Played four 6max SnGs and one HU. Won the HU, took 2nd twice in the 6max ones…blaaaaa!

Sometimes it doesn’t matter…
…you can play practically every hand perfectly…and you still get kicked in the junk, the joy of poker and the source of the constant influx of fish…the chance that you’ll get lucky.
Tonight was pretty brutal, so I quit after 8 6max-SnGs. I ran into some coolers, lost all flips for all the marbles (2, KQs vs 22 and KTs vs 55) and I got kicked badly in some others. In the end I managed to win 1…that’s it. Pretty fugly.
Tonight, I’ve got four screenshots for you:
#1: We’re on the bubble and I openshove with QQ, get called by A7 s00000000000ted….of course 3 outs are 100% to win
#2: Cutoff limps in, button folds, small blind fills up, I knuckle the virtual felt with 44. Flop comes down 6T4…SB checks, I check, cutoff bets half the pot, SB folds, I call. Turn is a King. I’m hoping that my opponent got AK. I knuckle the virtual felt again, this time my opponent bets pot. I paused for 2ms telling myself that if he indeed has KK (or 66 or TT for that matter) then he got my money. Instead he shows AA…river A.
#3: Folded around to the button…he openshoves for 3.5BB (or whatever)…I insta-reshove AT…of couse he flops the world+1 and I’m left with 8BB…
#4: We’re once again on the bubble, button raises to 3x…SB folds, I instashove with AJ, button instacalls with A3 s00000000000ted….of course the 3 outs are golden and I’m busto…
Love it, just love it…enjoy the pics to said hands and the fugly pt graph to top thing off….I’m outta here…

So and so…
After playing some live cards (not poker) tonight, I decided to play a little on Stars…a win here and there, but mostly 2nd or 3rd place finishes…enough to still keep me loser…oh well…satisfied with my play, in “must win” situation, especially three handed I ran into some bad luck I would say, if I have ATs on the button and the BB wakes up with AKo the hand plays itself automatically…oh well…enjoy the short pic dump…
Oh, before I forget it: for all the rush players who happen to be PT3 users as well, check out the newest beta which was just released, it supports rush now…the end of “no data” rush as we knew it…enjoy…

Right back at ya
After yesterday’s rants and playing well after I should have stopped – yes I even played again after the rant post – I was back calm and collected at the tables at Stars. Pretty uneventful, although I gotta say it’s a good feeling when you can finally have a hand hold up in crucial pots (and or win a flip in that spot) when playing turbo SnGs. Played four of them (6max, turbo, $12+1), won 2 and finished 2nd in another. Nice. Apart from that I played one turbo DS to the sunday million, no dice again.
Not much more I gotta tell you atm, except that it’s a good feeling to finally note down a winning session, albeit a short one, but who cares…enjoy the random pic dump and I’m outta here (the first 9 snaps are from yesterday, the rest from today, pt graph only showing the 4 SnGs, not the DS…time I figured out how to filter properly in PT3 I guess…hints on how to filter something like “last x tournaments” would be appreciated)…

Pokerstars can kiss my ass, too
Fucking cunts. What a lovely way to start off a post, get it out of your system. Yes! After today’s FTP disaster I went back old school on Stars playing one turbo DS to the sunday million (11.7$) and one shorthanded DS to the sunday million (8.8$). What happens in both, I get donkkicked.
Situation one: We started out with a table of nine. After around 90hands, we’re down to three and I’m the chipleader. Wheeee. Then the shorty (2.8k with 300/600 blinds) goes all-in from the button. I look down at 77 in the BB and after the SB folds I instacall. He shows 67 s0000ted. Flop gives him a straight draw which completes on the turn leaving me with 3 outs to a fucking chop (6). Of course the river bricks and the donktard doubles up and I’m left with around 2.4k instead of being headsup with a 7 to 5 chip lead. Fast forward to my next BB. I look at AQ s0000ted. SB shoves I instacall. He shows KQo (see below). K on the turn and I’m busto. Thumbs up stars, you’ve monkeyfucked me in a crucial pot for the 1 trillionth time.
As you see, 3 outs are gold. Weird though that everytime I find myself in a 3 outer spot, well, let’s just say I hit it about average. My opponents though hit a grand-slam homerun every single time it’s a crucial pot. How come?
In the 6 max one, I’m at the final table. About five hands in, a trend is forming. One player keeps overshoving the pot. I guess it’s part of his/her strategy as 6th place pays 0, so chances are slim someone is calling without the nuts. Wrong. Once the donktard shoves from the SB over my button raise, I basically instacall with my nines. AQ s0000000ted is my opponent. Flop flush draw…turn blank…river ace…cya. Nice! Now, losing a flip shouldn’t throw me over the edge and after that flop it would have been foolish to believe my hand could ever hope up, but still I’m fed up with this shit. Everytime I flip for a small amount in a dumb pot, I win. Everytime I flip for a crucial pot, I lose. Believe me, this is probably just the tilted analysis, but I’m going to check all my stats in PT3 for sure and I’m willing to lay 2:1 that my 50% looks more like 30% over all the hands I’ve played….(chips/money wise, not win/lose)…I’ll get back to you about that…anyway…I’m outta here…
Mood: Steam-tilt; thinking about quitting online poker for good – just one of these days, I guess…

Foul mood continues
Well, well, well…good job PS, good job. Reel me in with a reload bonus, then continue to torture me…really nice. All in all the only thing I’m satisfied with tonight is my play, with one exception (TPNK no gold against a set, crippled myself), and the fact that I quit after only 4 matches including 3 junk kicks. All in all I got one second (which should have been a first), 3 outered on the bubble and junk kicked with AA vs KK on a J high flop, while self-destructing in one (see above). Oh well…FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!
Now that I got that out of my system, I want to take the chance to talk about a novelty I just thought of. This year, there’s been only one new element to my blogs so far – the pt graph of the results. I want to introduce another one, which will hopefully be a little more polished in the days/weeks to come.
All the regulars, grinders, the fonkeys (fucking donkeys) and even the fonkdishes (donk fishes) know the feeling after playing. You take down a tourney or score nicely and you’re elated or you’ve just been kicked in the junk feeling like an NFL-kicker did the kicking…and everything that lies between that…and while you can sometimes read about that or deduct it from the way a post is written, you rarely see a clear “indicator” of the mood or state of mind the person was in. That’s why I thought about making that transparent (and maybe even a little funny). I won’t call it Tiltmeter, as that would imply that I expect to end up in some kind of tilt after any given session – which, tbh has been the case more often than not lately, but I don’t want it to be.
So I’ll think of a better name and if I can find the time I’ll even make a few icons and/or a scale (with a legend explaining the different “moods”) for it…until then I’ll just write it down and put it before the “legendary” pic dump aka “random junk kick mixed with some winning hands” brought to you by ps…
Mood: Pre-tilt
Pre-tilt: Feeling sick after getting one too many junk-kicks, but still positive about
a) realizing that tilt is only one beat away
b) getting the hell out of dodge after realizing a)
Alrighty…I’m outta here, enjoy the pic dump…

Junk-kick, episode 30291021
Well, a little bit frustrated about the result tonight…play a grand total of 23 SnGs including 6max, HU and 4player HU (winner takes all). I got kicked in the junk more than I was kicking back…really fugly when people call your all-in on a double-paired board with a ten high flush draw with one card to come…of course they hit…happens…oh well…I’m outta here…some relaxing and a good night’s sleep and I’ll be back…