Newsflash: FullTilt still rigged…
So…I decided to make a comeback at FullTiltPoker tonight. I haven’t played there in months as I had the most horrific luck and totally busted out in a rare tilt-flash a few months back. So I decided to reload tonight to join Kat’s rebuy madness. Because the start of the tourney is so late (for me – 3am), I decided to kill some time donking around at the PlayMoney Horse-Tables…and to my surprise, after a few minutes, a red pro sat down. David Bradley, the stud specialists, joined the game and was quite chatty and all. Sure enough the table chatter was starting to fire up and the wait list grew. So I played a while and then gave my seat to another player…

So, then it was time to start the donkarama…and it started out like a charm. Rebuy. Rebuy. Rebuy. Quadruple up. Rebuy. Rebuy. Rebuy. Well, double-rebuys can really be a PITA quite quickly. So in the end I decided no to rebuy anymore after I had already rebought 15 times and my second real hand of the night (JJ) was obv cracked as I couldn’t dodge two overcards…too bad…the first time ever that I didn’t even last through the rebuy period…but honestly I didn’t see much point in dumping more chips and cash…enjoy the random pic dump and I’m outta here…

Utter frustration
I didn’t intend to play poker at all today, but I couldn’t miss Al’s birthday rebuy madness…so why not…let’s just say it ended in utter frustration. Nothing better than to play 2hours of poker, build your stack up up and up…then get burned by two fugly plays. First…Sox pops my SB…I repop him with TT…he pushes…easy call fellows…he shows KQo…errm yeah, nice push there, especially as I didn’t play all that many hands…not many at all, but I guess that doesn’t matter…I think I don’t need to comment any further on this one…either you’re dead with that hand, dominated, or in a flip at best…sure enough I lose the flip, so instead of 30k I’m sitting with 10k….next stop…how to lose with As8s against 2s3s….min-raise preflop…true that’s a ghey play on my part, but I was still a little tilted about the fucking KQo hand. Flop comes A35. I lead out…call…turn is another 3….push comes to shove and although I got the sick feeling that I’m beat, I still call…because I can’t believe that someone would have stuck along with a 3 there all that time, come on I raised UTG and I’ve shown nothing but the best hand in a long time…but as things were, I was right (and wrong)…23 s000000000ted good enough for a call preflop and postflop…gin on the turn and you got my money. Still a fucking donk play IMHO, sorry, I don’t feel like being courteous here….I’m out of here…steamed up…fucking donk hands, keep peeling it off for them in crucial pots…so sick…

The making of a fugly session
Log on to Stars, play NL HE headsup and lose, lose, lose, win, lose. No matter if you put your money in 50/50, 60/40, 80/20…lose lose lose…

Next stop, FullTilt, Friday night blogger rebuy donkament. Play like crap…get lucky twice sucking out back-to-back straights, once with the hammer, which was obv g00t. After that catch no break whatsoever. Push in with Ax vs KX four times, win exactly 0. Push in with KX vs Ax and win exactly 0. Fitting enough that one of the above was my exit after Island rivered a ten on me (JT vs my QJ)…that was basically the end right there…I guess I should have pushed on the flop, but the way I was running tonight one of my opponents would have had the ace, no doubt 😉
Random fugly pic dump…:

The only good when it comes to poker was that my question about chosing the hammer for his “donkey bomber outfit” was asked on anteup episode 119…big shoutout to Scott and Chris, keep up the good work! I’m outta here…
Drunken rebuy madness == no three-peat
Well, well…made it back just in time from our little drink-fest to join the rebuy madness festivities…no joy though as I couldn’t catch a break…no matter if worst hand or best hand, I managed to lose 99% of them…so…I decided to quit after slightly over half an hour…at least I donated the buyin + 14 rebuys to the donk-community…no three-peat…oh well…cya all next week…
Short random pic dump…

KORD reloaded
Wheeeeeeeeee….another week, another rebuy donkfest proudly presented by Kat. and another King of Rebuy Donks title for me (third overall). Back-to-back baby! Next stop three-peat 😉
The play is mostly a blur, I just know three things:
1. I didn’t win a single coin-flip during the whole tournament (0/4)…until I won one…in the last hand…99 vs AQ…flop 9….and I’m the champ
2. I sucked out in a major pot during the rebuy period…jackAce s00ted against AK against AK…I flop the nuts (diamond flush)…that hand really catapulted me into the tourney…
3. It’s good to hold the best hand when the money goes in for a HUGE pot. It feels even better when it holds up…(two big hands on the final table were KK vs JJ all-in preflop….and K8 vs KQ…all-in postflop on a K8x board….)
Alrighty…I’m out…time to catch some sleep…enjoy the random pic dump….

Mixed results
Well, well…did a little PLO8 HU SnG session today and while I finished ahead, it was still a little sick in the middle. In the end I had won 5 out of 9 matches, but I felt like it could have/should have been more like 6 or 7 wins…but I can’t help it if none of my monster-draws come through in such crucial hands. The other two matches I lost were fair and square, although mildly sick as well. AKQ2 double suited vs AKKQ…pretty sick…flop K99…cya…lol…
Then it was time for some donkalicious poker in Kat’s friday night rebuy madness and boy oh boy, it was madness. I’ve never been so card-dead ever. In a rebuy event, this doesn’t really matter early on, but it kind of sucks if you don’t get a hand in ages and you push and push and push and the best hand (your opponent’s hand) holds up every friggin time, how sick is that?!
Played 169 hands and had exactly four pocket pairs: 88 flopped a set against Ace rag and doubled up. 22 on the button had to fold to heavy action before it came around to me. 77 pushed, no caller….and my final hand presto != gold if you’re up against K6 s00ted…gg me…apart from that I had AJ once and AK once (both right after the first break). Besides that, nothing…and even if I had something (like the second nut flush) someone would have the better hand (e.g. nut flush) and don’t even get me started on draws…straight and flush draw with a pair…no g00t…flush draw…obv no g00t…etc etc…all in all a really shitty night (card wise), at least I had a good time at the tables with Acorn, Mookie and the others…cya all next week…when I’ll try to redeem myself and take less than 16 rebuys… 😉

Jx is the new nuts…
Really had a good time in tonight’s rebuy donkfest…our table was crazy…all-in all-in all-in…pretty uneventful early on…won the first hand with the worst hand…up to 6k or something….soon enough down to 0…rebuy…0…rebuy…0….rebuy….0…you get the idea. Finally chipped up again…then lost a huge pot….QQ vs 99 vs 88…river 8 gives MiamiDon a set and the other guy a straight….heeehaaaw….so instead of 25k I sit with 5k…
After the break, addon. After that pretty uneventful again, sometimes makes you wonder how many times you can get K5o facing a raise and or reraise….quick answer: a lot. Doubled up one final time with KK vs 33….after that mostly card dead again…then finally pushed the tourist into QQ…turned straight over straight…cya in 12th just before the second break….I guess I could have waited a while longer to make my move, but I just felt like doing it right there…oh well…at least I got to have fun with BuddyDank, Waffles and many others once again…fun times….
Random pic dump:

Rollercoaster Rebuy
Saturday July 21st 2007, 3:46 am
Filed under:
Full Tilt Poker,
Heads Up,
No-Limit Hold'em,
Omaha H/L,
Pot Limit,
Tonight was a real rollercoaster in the rebuy donkfest and at the headsup tables, well not that much at the headsup tables, it was more or less crash and burn.
Rebuy: Start out with 1k…push in first five to six hands…up to 8k…a little while later…0…a little while later…10k….a little while later 3k….and then it’s crash and burn in seventh. Oh well…didn’t have any “premium cards”, dropped two hammers, biggest pair 55, lost 16k pot with KQ to QJ….lost the final hand with QJ vs KQ…fitting…random pic dump, this time no hand dumps, just a random pic dump…

Curious sidenotes:
- Only 10 runners
- Final table within the first 30 minutes
- Some players just don’t get the rebuy donkarama blogger donkfest’s first hour, 5% flops seen, are you kidding me?
Headsup play: Only played two, the first one was HORSE and my opponent was really lucky early on in Hold’em. I survive with 600 chips. Come Omaha8 I’m grinding my way back. Come the first Razz hands and I’m ahead. Then he starts to chase like there is no tomorrow capping the pot being at least one card behind and/or board-locked…sure enough he runner-runners my ass to beat me. The second match was PLO8 and although I took down some nice pots I only won one of the three big pots…busto…nice to see that your opponent has got the nut-low every time you have the second nut-low and the best draw…sure enough he scoops…oh well…I’m out of here…
Finally, a blogger event championship
It’s not a big score money-wise, but it sure as hell feels good to finally take down a blogger event. Big shoutouts to Kat for hosting and BuddyDank for the music and commentary, very much appreciated. As it’s after 5:30am, no time to write a long review of tonight’s play, just a random pic dump of the more interesting hands of the night…

Friday night donkament d00minated by the hammer
Well, well….not much poker today…although in the end it was a good three and a half hours. I started off with some shorthanded and HU action on Pokerstars. I busted out fourth in the shorthanded SnG when a donk called my all-in dominated (AQ vs A8) and rivered the three outer. I won the HU match and it was almost time for Kat‘s friday night blogger donkament.
…and a donkament it was….crazy…crazy action…a record of 170 rebuys!!!
I didn’t take notes, so most hands are a blur. I got some hands, I sucked out a few times and I got sucked out on some times. The biggest accomplishment was playing fearless poker, even when the rebuy period ended, dropping about 10 hammers and some velvet hammers in the process, raising and reraising with them like crazy from any position…all too fitting my exit involved the hammer again….although this time Waffles held it and outflopped my treys…good fun…with his insane stack of over 70k he should be able to take it down tonight…let’s see if that really happens…I’m going to catch some sleep now…5:29am…final table is underway…but I’m too tired to rail and I really need the sleep…the next live (home) game is tomorrow…errm later today…nn and gg…

Edit: Waffles did it, took down first…nice one…