How did I do that?
I still can’t believe I finished up a little today after some brutal beats…hihihihihihi…happy for once, although I would have taken a few less beats to finish way up…oh well…better hitting a bad streak and still more or less breaking even or up a little than spiralling into deep tilt…yeah me…I’m off…

XMAS with Dr. Pauly
In case you missed the first “event” 5$ “crack dipped in heroin” aka PLO…you still got a shot at playing with the good doctor and friends tonight. The second event is already up for registration on pokerstars…it’s 3$ chasedevil aka Razz…head on over to Pauly’s twitter account for the usual password (hint: his poker blog)…
My first event was pretty horrible. While I enjoyed playing with Mr. CantHang and others, the deck kept bending me over…oh well…I’m outta here…heading to a birthday party…then maybe the Razz event (although the 5am start time isn’t all that appealing to me ;-))…

Merry christmas
Merry christmas everyone…

P.S. All the money goes in on the turn, of course the river fucks me…Fuck you pokerstars!!! That is all…
Some online poker
Well, I played a little yesterday and today. Not much of a run. Started off really bad losing yesterday, so I quit after two headsup matches. Today I didn’t start any better, starting to drop game after game, really sick really. Then I won a few…and after I won the last one with the hammer, see below, I decided to quit. I’m outta here, gonna watch a movie or something…

So, I played a little tonight…some PLO8, some NL Hold’em…then I got coolered in both…so I fell back to the main-torture, Razz. Played an MTT, nearly four hours later I bow out in third place after getting short on a cooler…what can you do. A third is not a second and not a W…but oh well…I’ll take it…home game tomorrow…so I’ll better catch some sleep and chill out a little…

2-7 is torture
After playing a few tourneys 2-7 NL Single Draw recently, I can appreciate the feat that Phil Ivey did by winning the 2-7 bracelet even more. Unbelievable that you can actually win such a tourney…where swings can be massive and the next cooler is just around the corner….that being said, I crippled myself once again after 1.5h+ putting it in with a pat 98…my opponent drawing one…of course he draws perfect to a 97….fucking a++…busted myself the next hand. Apart from that tourney I’ve played a little NL Hold’em and some PLO8…but no joy there either…just one of those days…I’m off…

Screwjob + bad play + tilt = ?
Yup…pretty much that equals disaster…oh well…before my head explodes I had to vent in the chat a little…I wonder when they will finally strip my chat away…oh well…doesn’t matter anyway…I’ll take another break as I can’t take another screwjob, bad run and bs…I’m outta here…

On being mighty thin-skinned…
These days it doesn’t take much for me to become totally tilted…I think I really should take a break, like I already said on twitter. I acted against my own advise and played some today and it didn’t take long to get tilted again. First I got tilted in NL HE as a calling station dumbsack couldn’t do much wrong, hitting miracles left and right. I threw away the next match. Then I switched gears and played an Omaha MTT. The ultimate tilter. I held my ground and was among the chipleaders for most of the way. Then a hand came down were I flopped the nuts and lost (the main pot, but won the sidepot). If I win that pot I’ve got 7-8x the current average. Instead I lose the mainpot, but I’m still in the top 10. The break comes up. A few hands after the break I’m out on a total tilt move – after losing 2 small pots in a row I push my stack in with air and obv get called…I’m still wondering what made me go over the edge on that one…I guess it was the sum of all the bad hands before that, I just couldn’t take it anymore…but what do you expect in an 8$ four card bingo MTT? Nevermind raising big coming in, you’ll get called anyway. Get to see a lot of flops cheaply, flop the nuts and get payed off – unless you get unlucky. Easy…if you got the patience and can keep a cool head. Both of the latter ran out on me after slightly over an hour. Sick. Oh well, I can’t beat myself up too much about it…and this time I’m sticking to my own advise. I won’t play another hand over the weekend. De-tilt 101. I’m outta here…

PLO is such a sick game
Played my heart out for 1.5h and pushed in with the nuts on a rainbow board, still wasn’t enough as I would have lost the hand no matter what…both opponents sucked out…one on the turn, locking us both out, but just to rub it in the other opponent rivered a better hand than mine – just for good measure. So I sit here a little bit frustrated as I cruise to the final table if I win that final hand, but oh well…I had fun and the fish I busted in a HU match prior to the tourney payed my way in…so all good…still sucks though 😉

Merry christmas! …and some poker
Merry christmas to all my regular readers, visitors, friends and their families.
Got a little bigger session in today as I only worked till noon, so I had some free time on my hands before christmas dinner and what not. In total I played 13 matches and won 8 of them. Interestingly enough the biggest contributor to those stats was PLO8. I rocked those matches and won 5 out of 6. Won 0 out of 1 in HORSE and 3 out of 6 in NL HE.
The sickest match of all was my final PLO8 match. I can honestly say that I’ve never ever seen anyone run that good – not even the biggest lucksack opponents. Who ran good? Me! I ran like the living bejeezus, I literally walked on water in that match. I had a straight flush twice – coincidentally twice the same one, too…I held 8d9d xx both times and the board ran 7d 10d x Jd x and Td Jd x 7d x… – had boat over boat and finally dem quads to finish the match (I was unable to extract that much value in the straight flush hands and the boat over boat one as my opponent was not really willing to stack off with an under-full…a rare thing these days)…anyway…feels good to have played a little more again and to look ahead to 4 days of free time until I have to get back to work on monday.
Long story short: it’s almost certain to say that you will find some more poker content the next few days…gl at the tables everyone and once again: Merry christmas/happy holidays!!!