Merry christmas
Thursday December 24th 2009, 10:55 pm
Filed under: Omaha H/L,Opinionated,PokerStars,Pot Limit

Merry christmas everyone…

nice xmas gift

P.S. All the money goes in on the turn, of course the river fucks me…Fuck you pokerstars!!! That is all…

6max g00t, HU junk kick
Saturday November 28th 2009, 2:26 am
Filed under: Casual Play,Heads Up,Live Play,No-Limit Hold'em,Opinionated,PokerStars,S&G,Shorthanded

Hehe…that pretty much describes my sessions tonight. I rocked the 6max SnGs finishing 1st or 2nd in 5 out of 8. In headsup I got donkeypunched hard…so I finish the night about even. Snap!

What else…yeah…right…there was a homegame a while back and it was really fun(ny). We had a small group this time playing 6max…but in the end the lucksack/donkbag was too much to overcome. Despite playing good, it’s hard to win if you can’t connect once the blinds get big, especially if any two will be enough to go to showdown. Oh well…apart from that I played a little online here and there, but nothing much going on…

I’m off to read the rest of Mike Matusow’s book….enjoy the not so random pic dump….gl at the tables…

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random pic dump

Tuesday November 24th 2009, 11:11 pm
Filed under: Opinionated,Poker Stuff

No, I’m not dead…hehe…and while I didn’t play all that much recently, I’ve got a post lined up…just too lazy to post all the stuff tonight….wrap up coming soonish. Just wanted to drop in and report that I finally got some new poker reading material today. Two books that I was looking forward to, not poker theory stuff this time…but two poker books that should be interesting to read….Doyle Brunson’s new godfather of poker book and Mike Matusow’s book….I guess I’ll start to read Mike’s book now…

I’m outta here…good luck at the (virtual) felt…

How to screw up an evening…
Saturday October 31st 2009, 3:06 am
Filed under: No-Limit Hold'em,Opinionated,PokerStars,S&G,Shorthanded

It’s quite easy. Enter 8 turbo 6max SnGs. Play like a madman in all of them. Then watch your dsl-line go down. Sit there in agony for 20 minutes. Come back finding yourself out in 3rd or 4th in 7 of 8 matches. Win #8. Be stuck and pissed off. Well done Arcor (my dsl provider)…cocksuckers!

Success…online and live

Yeah, today was a good day, so don’t let yourself be fooled by the first couple of screenshots below…they’re from the last few weeks…the later ones are from today. After buying the MicroStakes Edition of PokerTracker 3 (see my earlier post) I jumped into a 5 table SnG and owned it, finishing with a W and a smile on my face. After that I broke even in a few headsup matches and took my lazy ass to the couch to relax a little as there was another installment of the home game tonight.

I arrived at the home game and we sat down 9 handed playing our regular tourney (more than 6 players, so the money is split three ways, 50/30/20% of the price pool). I owned that too, coming back from being really short (5BB) to win it. After that we decided to play another one, 6 players including myself saddled up for a winner takes it all SnG. I was among the chipleaders most of the way, but once we got even shorter, 4 and then 3 players, I just couldn’t get a hand to hold up anymore. The really decisive hand was me in LP against the BB (?). Limped pot and we see a flop of 9Tx…I hold J7. Opponent bets out around 3BB. I decide to peel off a card and we see the turn. 8. Yatzee. My opponent goes all-in instantly and I snap-call showing the nuts. He’s really disappointed and his only hope is a J as he’s holding Q9. Dealer burns and turns….a J….three outs = 100%…yikes. Too bad. A few hands later I tangle with the same player again. I open-shove for 12BB and he calls. I show down AcQh, he shows KJ. 60/40…I’ll take it, if my hand holds up I’m back in contention. No such joy though as the dealer flops a King, turns a Jack and doesn’t peel off a ten on the river for me…so I bow out in 3rd place with 0. Oh well, at least he went on to win it, and btw he really deserved to win something…he’s been running like hell in the last few home-games…so ‘s all good. Enjoy the random pic dump and I’m outta here…

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random pic dump

Not a lot of action…
Saturday October 17th 2009, 2:11 pm
Filed under: Opinionated,Poker Stuff

Well, I’ve been playing a little bit here and there, but no major sessions either way. Today I’m going into poker mode though, I plan on playing a little online today and tonight is another installment of the home game, yay. For the first part I decided to upgrade my arsenal of poker software. After buying Tourney Manger a while back, I decided to get me my license for PokerTracker 3…and because I’m a low limit grinder and I’m cheap like that I got the MicroStakes edition which is reasonably priced a 44.99$.

Let’s see how it goes…I’ll keep you posted…

Running good
Sunday October 04th 2009, 9:32 pm
Filed under: Heads Up,Opinionated,PokerStars

Well, I’ve been running mightly good again…NOT. No matter what I do, how far ahead I am or how many outs I have when currently behind. Doesn’t matter, doesn’t hold, can’t hit. Fucking a++, Riverstars has it in for me once again. I have a ton of screenshots spread over three compis, but honestly I’m too lazy to grab all of them and put them up here, so I leave you with a lovely screenshot, of course he first turns a fucking boats then rivers the even bigger boat once I river a straight…why shouldn’t he…donkfish that he is dodging 30outs twice then coming right back at you with a fucking brilliant cooler river…fucking triple a ++

I’m outta here…

of course

Some online poker
Sunday August 23rd 2009, 7:50 pm
Filed under: Heads Up,No-Limit Hold'em,Omaha H/L,Opinionated,PokerStars,Pot Limit

Well, I played a little yesterday and today. Not much of a run. Started off really bad losing yesterday, so I quit after two headsup matches. Today I didn’t start any better, starting to drop game after game, really sick really. Then I won a few…and after I won the last one with the hammer, see below, I decided to quit. I’m outta here, gonna watch a movie or something…

hitting the one outer

of course


BBQ home game wrapup
Sunday August 23rd 2009, 1:59 pm
Filed under: Casual Play,Live Play,No-Limit Hold'em,Opinionated,S&G,Shootout,Shorthanded

Totally forgot to write about the last home game. We met up early to fire up the bbq and yummy did we feast on some good stuff. After that we set up the table and all and off we were, really shorthanded this time, due to vacations and what not only 5 players showed up. So we decided to do a rebuy tourney with a 80/20 split for the headsup players. The rebuy period was rather wild, but as it came to a close, action tightened up a little…although action was heating up soon enough again.

The host was on fire. Soon enough he started to fire away and call big bets preflop with basically any two. First he cracked aces…it was really well played on his part though…a player in LP fire it up and he smooth-called in the BB…now…it was a rather big bet, but with all the rebuys the stacks were deep…so a call was really a good play in this spot. The flop came on 55x and the host checked to the original raiser. Sure enough he bet big…the host thought for a while, not really all that long, before announcing all-in…he was greeted with an insta-call by the original raiser who revealed AA…hehe…the smile on his face disappeared quickly as the host turn over 5x for the flop trips. They held up and the original raiser was busto. As I had already busted out earlier, they were down to three-handed. Soon enough the host pushed in again after a reraise preflop. He got insta-called again. Host shows TdTs, pusher shows KhKc. Ooops. Flop three small spades. Uh oh. Turn another spade….pusher drawing dead and busto. Sure enough the dealer peels of the Ks just to rub it in. Headsup was done in one hand afterwards. Ax vs Kx for the host…Kx won…and it was done.

Hehe, after that most of the players needed to cool off a little. After a little cool off we decided to play another small game with half the buyin, and as one player bailed out, we decided to make it winner takes it all…after all there’s not much point playing in a 80/20 or similar split if you’re only four handed. Most hands escape me, but I busted two players and we headed into headsup me being ahead 2:1. The big hand that clinched it for me didn’t take long to develop. After maybe 10 hands of headsup the following hand went down. I’m on the button and look down at 24. My opponent in the bb decides to raise big, something along the line of 5-6BB. Side note: he’s the player that got his aces cracked in the prior game. So I’m thinking: hmm, this is suspicious, can he have aces again? I guess so…oh well, I’m in position…let’s see a flop. I call and the dealer spreads 245 on the table. My opponents bets out big again, almost commiting himself anyway and even if not, I’m confident he does indeed have the aces. I insta-call and sure enough he proudly rolls over AA again. I reveal the good ole 2-4o and he’s pissed. Turn and river blank out and I’m the champ pocketing the whole pot. Wheeeee…

So that’s the wrap-up of our latest installment of the home game, looking forward to the next one…let’s see when that will happen…I guess after holiday season is over…we’ll see…

No, I’m not dead…
Monday August 10th 2009, 9:28 pm
Filed under: MTT,No-Limit Hold'em,Opinionated,PokerStars,Tournaments

…I just took some time off, a two week vacation to egpyt…followed by some other offline relaxing. Now I’m back, I’ve played a little again over the last few days, nothing major. Didn’t feel like it and it showed, broke even mostly…lost a little, then won a little…nothing major…

…and the deck didn’t help my cause either, e.g. the following hand in the 30k on Stars…I swear I felt it coming on the flop…and of course…bingo, bango, bongo…oh well…hell of a way to go out and all…I’m outta here…see you soon

losing to a royal flush again