The Rush is over…busto
Well, well, good job FTP…or should I say good job Ingoal? No matter what, after four days of playing rush on FTP (after reloading), I’m officially busto again. Rush – the quickest way to evaporate your bankroll! (TM)
Teeeheee mofos! I could go on about the cooler here and the cooler there, but what use is it? It’s tough to stay sane if you run into bs after bs…add to that, that it’s sometimes so hard not to overcommit when everyone is on crack and what are the chances someone has a higher pair than your JJ and QQ when it folds around to you – hint: not all that high…in rush it feels like 97,5%…
…and quicker than you can say “get the fuck out of here”, you’ve got one hell of a bad run that is unprecedented. All in all it took me 4.129 hands to go busto, should have been busto before that, but after getting aces cracked left and right I was able to crack ’em myself, just in time to give me a few extra hands…hehe…anyway…hawesome how I kept away from FTP exactly for that bs as I couldn’t catch a break, no I run back to the poker crack dealer and they got exactly what I need…getting kicked in the junk four times as much per hour….nice.
Some fun stats:
– Lost 0.05$ per hand
– #1 hand dealt 96o (54 times)
– Most money won (total): QQ 23.27 (dealt 25 times, won 22 times)
– Most money lost (total) AQ -39,63 (dealt 39 times, won 24 times)
– Only winning position: UTG (lol)
I’m feeling kind of numb right now…so I’ll let you enjoy the final rush pic dump and I’m outta here…not to return to FTP for at least the next 1.5 years…or maybe I should make it 3 as the first 1.5 years obviously didn’t do any good…

Soul crushers
Those were the players I was up against today, soul crushers. I started off with a quick session winning around 1.5 buyins. Then later today I came back for a longer session and they really crushed my soul.
The old overpair vs overpair I can take, but what’s a lot harder to take is being river over and over and over and over. How can ppl honestly call preflop, on the flop and on the turn with air and hit their fucking river like 80% of the time? Two outer? No problem. 4 outer – no problem. 3 outer – no problem. 6 outer – why do you even ask if a 2 outer is no problem, go ahead monkeyshove, the dealer will peel it off for you.
What adds fuel to the internal steam-producing fire is the fact that you can’t get any fucking action on your big hands, at least on most of them. How come I get aces 4 times, and get no action whatsoever on two of them? How come on the other hand everytime I get kings I get monsteraction and usually end up getting junkkicked so hard, I could scream from the pain? Wtf is going on here? Full Donk Poker? Hidden camera show? Wtf!
In the end it got so frustrating that I did something I rarely if ever do…I donkshoved my last stacks in when I just knew that my opponent had sucked out…again. Disappointing. Anyway, enough of the rant, I’m outta here. Utterly frutstrated, mad and tilted, which seems to be the norm these days. Happy fucking day to y’all…
Mood: Steam-tilt

Foul mood continues
Well, well, well…good job PS, good job. Reel me in with a reload bonus, then continue to torture me…really nice. All in all the only thing I’m satisfied with tonight is my play, with one exception (TPNK no gold against a set, crippled myself), and the fact that I quit after only 4 matches including 3 junk kicks. All in all I got one second (which should have been a first), 3 outered on the bubble and junk kicked with AA vs KK on a J high flop, while self-destructing in one (see above). Oh well…FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!
Now that I got that out of my system, I want to take the chance to talk about a novelty I just thought of. This year, there’s been only one new element to my blogs so far – the pt graph of the results. I want to introduce another one, which will hopefully be a little more polished in the days/weeks to come.
All the regulars, grinders, the fonkeys (fucking donkeys) and even the fonkdishes (donk fishes) know the feeling after playing. You take down a tourney or score nicely and you’re elated or you’ve just been kicked in the junk feeling like an NFL-kicker did the kicking…and everything that lies between that…and while you can sometimes read about that or deduct it from the way a post is written, you rarely see a clear “indicator” of the mood or state of mind the person was in. That’s why I thought about making that transparent (and maybe even a little funny). I won’t call it Tiltmeter, as that would imply that I expect to end up in some kind of tilt after any given session – which, tbh has been the case more often than not lately, but I don’t want it to be.
So I’ll think of a better name and if I can find the time I’ll even make a few icons and/or a scale (with a legend explaining the different “moods”) for it…until then I’ll just write it down and put it before the “legendary” pic dump aka “random junk kick mixed with some winning hands” brought to you by ps…
Mood: Pre-tilt
Pre-tilt: Feeling sick after getting one too many junk-kicks, but still positive about
a) realizing that tilt is only one beat away
b) getting the hell out of dodge after realizing a)
Alrighty…I’m outta here, enjoy the pic dump…

Junk-kick, episode 30291021
Well, a little bit frustrated about the result tonight…play a grand total of 23 SnGs including 6max, HU and 4player HU (winner takes all). I got kicked in the junk more than I was kicking back…really fugly when people call your all-in on a double-paired board with a ten high flush draw with one card to come…of course they hit…happens…oh well…I’m outta here…some relaxing and a good night’s sleep and I’ll be back…

Not a good start
After today’s reload I tried to get back right into the thick of things, but I couldn’t get much going early on. In the end I was able to recoup a little bit, but I finished the day down nontheless. Not too excited about it, but not much I could have done, I made two clearly bad plays that cost me two matches, but in the other ones…no chance. Anyway, I’m happy with the way I played.
Before I leave you with the usualy pic dump, let me introduce my newest idea: a while back I invested a little money and bought me both TourneyManager and PokerTracker3…around the “christmas break” I thought it was time that I put them to use, especially PT3. So I got myself all the tournament summaries and what-not and started to analyze a little. Now I know which are my most profitable games (in terms of net won) and I think I’ll keep hitting them hard. Now to my idea: with all the lovely analytical functions and stuff of PT3, one thing stands out in terms of blogging (IMHO)…and that is a simple graph displaying a few infos about a usual day at “the office”…so I’ll try to add one of those to my posts in the future…enjoy.

So…I didn’t take me long to reload…PokerStars’ 25% reload bonus (bonus code 2010) was just too appealing. Still on a short bankroll, so I’ll try to play it smart, starting low…running it up, if I can, before jumping into higher limits again…let’s see how it goes…watch this spot…
I guess it was inevitable…no point in making excuses…if you’re on a mini-bankroll and you’re getting raked like there’s no tomorrow, you will have to show a good performance and also desperately try to avoid getting unlucky…both didn’t happen and so tonight it finally happened. After posting two winning sessions in $1/$2 and $2/$4 TD, I finally went busto when I lost my final 50BB at $1/$2 TD.
The story of that session is easily explained: have #2, lose to #1…have 86432 lose to 85432…have 87432 lose to 86432…and it went on an on…especially nice when your opponents are playing incorrect strategy over and over again and get lucky…and by lucky I mean: it’s not normal that you draw 2 perfect cards in the third draw…hence it might have been a good idea to fold after the first draw…or the second draw…the blessing and curse of limit games…if they didn’t get lucky on me on 4 different occasions I would have applauded their play…but hey, that’s not the way it went down…
So…what a shitty end of 2009….not the way I envisioned it, that’s for sure.
What else is left to say….like I already said in the last post…after 4 years of grinding it out, I was starting to get really sick and tired of the way things were going…how can you stay sane if you dominate games and still can’t overcome the rake and bad luck? How many donkkicks can you endure before you snap? Many many many ones…but is it worth it? Up to this point, I def thought so…but I’m not so sure anymore and while I’m bummed out atm, I feel a sense of calm too…
With that rant I present you the final screenshot of 2009…and maybe the last one for a while…we’ll see about that…until then, I wish you nerves like steel ropes, better luck than me and a nice 2010 both poker- and life-wise.
Peace out.

NL kicking my ass…
…it’s hard to show a profit when you:
1. Can’t win a flip
2. Can’t win an uneven flip either (no matter if you’re 60/40 or 40/60)
…especially if you’re playing turbo SnGs where you’re force to play soon enough…
That being said, I’m done for the year with NL Hold’em…fed up, done and almost busto. Time to regroup. To do that I decided – if I play at all – I’ll play some limit games that most ppl aren’t all that experienced in…so with that in mind I hit the 2-7 Triple Draw cash tables (.5/1) and crushed it, almost recouping my NL Hold’em losses for the day…let’s see how this plan works out…for now I’m outta here…
…as I’m not sure if I get around to posting again until the new year, I’m taking the chance to wish all of my loyal readers, fellow degenerates and poker broggers a very happy new year! May all your poker (and other) plans work out…cya on the other side…I’m all-out!

…that about sums it up. The last few days, my first vacation in ages, have been bleak poker-wise. Every time it looks like I can make a run at it…well…there’s the donkkick or whatnot. Really frustrating, even more so as I’m now on an ultra-short bankroll, so I’m really handcuffed…decision-time coming up soonish. Start another run with a refueled bankroll (I drained it a while back to buy some nice stuff like the 24″ screen and what-not and I couldn’t sustain much momentum after that…get your tinfoil-hats ready :p )…or continue to grind it out at the lowest limits…I don’t know yet what I’m going to do…either way, watch this spot and you’ll hear about it soon enough…
Until then I’m trying to get planning in motion for my first ever Vegas trip…we’ve been talking about it in my home game for ages, and I think it’s time that we either do it or we don’t (and I hit the road on my own)…let’s see if it’s going to happen…I’ll keep you posted…until then enjoy the random pic dump…I’m outta here…

Random pic dump
Finally came around to play a little bit more and find a lot of screencaps left unpublished on my desktop…I will spare you the sum of junk-kicks and bad plays of the last few days, let’s just say that I wasn’t on the good side of variance and frustration ensued…anyways…enjoy the random pic dump and cya at the virtual green felt soonish…