Filed under: Opinionated
Merry christmas, happy holidays…I wish you all a happy and bad beat free christmas
Merry christmas, happy holidays…I wish you all a happy and bad beat free christmas
The same ole question pops up every now and then. Why do I even bother when I know that the donkeys will get the best of me – one way or another.
To give you an idea what I mean…just have a look at the following hand. After getting 3 outered and insulted by a fucking fish, I pick up two kings…raise it up…get called (by another fish)…flop top set and get reraised…haha…all in…turn the nut boat and have one out to fade, the Jack of Diamonads which would complete the runner runner straight flush…and of course…
That was the straw that broke the camels back. I went into bezerk mode and friggin cursed at everybody. I was so fucking mad, tuff_fish-proportions.
That being said, it’s time for me to take a break again…there’s no use in torturing myself over some petty cash, when I know I will get unlucky again just as I’m climbing up the ladder. It’s just not worth it anymore.
Why should I let some petty cash ruin my day?
Why should I fight with fonkeys who don’t have a clue about poker?
Why should I bother?
The honest answer is that I shouldn’t…and I won’t anymore…I’m out, I’m withdrawing the rest of my funds as you read this…whether or not you’ll hear from new poker exploits or not…I can’t say…but either way, don’t expect them from the world of online poker…
Ingoal out…with his head held high after one final victory…good night everyone…and thanks for reading…
That describes today’s sessions the best. I won’t whine about coinflips or getting coolered four handed and what not…I’ll just leave you with some of today’s hands and take my beaten ass to the couch…night night everyone…
Had some more time to kill, so I decided to play a little more…unbelievable what kind of beats I took, again…still managed to finish 2nd in both a turbo 18 and turbo 45 player sng…so the outcome is up…good stuff…I’m outta here for real this time…night night…
I still can’t believe I finished up a little today after some brutal beats…hihihihihihi…happy for once, although I would have taken a few less beats to finish way up…oh well…better hitting a bad streak and still more or less breaking even or up a little than spiralling into deep tilt…yeah me…I’m off…
Me oh my…what a brutal session…got off to a good start, then couldn’t catch a break…2 outer, 3 outer, 3 outer…especially painful if you get sucked out on in back2back2back2back2back matches…should have, could have, would have…bottom line: should have taken a break after the third one…would have saved me a benjamin…oh well…offline now to cool off…
It’s been a while and the recap of this year’s play is still pending. For the time being, “inspired” by the WSOP, I redeposited a little something on PS and started playing a little.
My “plan” for this “comeback”:
1. Don’t sweat it
2. Just play small stakes when I feel like it
3. Play good
…let’s see how that “plan” works out…
First two sessions in the books and I think I played good (and was on the good side of a few coolers)…special thanks to one opponent who had about the same chance at winning against me as a snowball in hell…he just came back and melted again and again…loved it…
Can you believe that the first quarter of 2011 is already over again. Unreal…no, I’m not dead, neither is my poker playing…or well, it wasn’t until the beginning of this week. I grinded it up at both Full Tilt, Cake and PokerStars, but somehow my play went nowhere – as usual – and I tilted off some money here and there.
Now’s the time to take a break, I’ve got a holiday lined up (leaving for egypt tomorrow)…so I won’t be around the next two weeks…after that we’ll see where this poker thing takes me and if I’ll find the time to do a write up of the first 3 1/2 months of this year (trust me, I got dozens of nasty screenshots)…until then…good luck at the tables and remember: play good and have fun!
Inspired by Jordan’s annual review…
I played poker!
😆 😆 😆 Well played sir…
*lol*…poker has been treating me so and so, but the rake deal kept me well above break even. Then cake did what so many poker rooms before them have tried – and unfortunately succeeded – to do: they added degenerate gambling stuff like War and a Casino.
Sure enough I play a little. Then I played a little more…and in the end, well today, the old truth that the house always wins finally rang true. I blew the rest of my bankroll upping the stakes at Blackjack and naturally the dealer had like 8 BJs to my 1 BJ, beat my 20 with a 5 card 21…the works…oh well, my own fault for caving in to the temptation…so I’m officially busto a cake…I guess it’s time to step away once again and reevaluate my commitment to the game (which should include bankroll management, etc)…