Nice run and spammers go to hell
Sunday March 09th 2008, 2:58 am
Filed under: No-Limit Hold'em,Opinionated,PokerStars,S&G,Shorthanded

Played two session apart from the SWDP tourney. One before it and one after it. Four 6max SnGs each…total score was almost exactly the same for both sessions (1st 3rd 2nd 1st and 1st 1st 4th 2nd)…so ITM 6/8 with four wins. Overall this seems to be working out like a charm. I fire up four of those bad boys and play them parallel, which not only keeps me busy, but is no problem with my new panel. I guess I’ll keep hitting those bad boys for a while now…let’s see how it develops.

As for the other part of the title: really insane how a poker blog attracts spam, especially trackback spam. It started a few days ago and I was really getting frustrated as trackback spam circumvents part of the antispam solutions I’ve got in place on here (namely the antispam pic). So I decided to finally activate the antispam atomic bomb, which comes with WordPress. It’s name is Akismet and all you need is an API-Key to activate it, which is available for free on (if you earn less than 500$/month with your blog – no worries there…lol). I activated it three days ago and it has done a great job so far. It blocked and/or caught well over 15.000 spams and counting in three days (for the exact number see the footer). Friggin spammers!

I’m out…

Can screenwriters please come up with a new poker theme
Saturday March 08th 2008, 12:53 pm
Filed under: Opinionated,Poker Stuff

…as I’m really tired of this one.

Warning, Spoiler Alert
If you’re planning on seeing the new poker movie Deal, please don’t read any further!!!
Also if you haven’t seen All-In or Lucky You, the same warning applies!!!
You’ve been warned…
Warning, Spoiler Alert

I watched the movie and as with any poker movie so far, I’ve been looking forward to seeing it. In the end, I couldn’t help but be disappointed – yet again. How come that ever poker movie that’s coming out sticks to the same bs ending? Someone laying down the best hand to let someone else win…

Example#1: All-in: Father folds straight flush and let’s daughter win, duh!
Example#2: Lucky You: Son let’s father win as he fold Aces to his Kings, duh!
…and now in Deal…young prodigy lays down Aces vs Jacks of his “mentor” on the A33xx board, duh! And while we’re at it, since when does the WPT championship pay more than 8 million for first along with a bracelet? Am I missing something here?

Come on people, what is this? The re-run of the re-run of the re-run? Besides, those hands and one person mucking the best hand is total bullshit. There, I said it…end rant.

Back to the grind…
Saturday March 08th 2008, 3:52 am
Filed under: No-Limit Hold'em,Opinionated,PokerStars,S&G

…I’ve kept myself to feeding on the 6max donks tonight…my new display comes in handy too…now it’s no problem to play four full sized tables (or even more tables resized a little)…1920×1200 is a nice resolution 😉

So…I played four of the 6max SnGs at once and I won three of them. Then I played two Step 1 WSOP satellites and won one of them (earning a Step 2 ticket (worth 27$)). Overall a nice session.

After that I decided that it was time to buy my first poker software ever…I’ve used some testversions of different poker softwares before (including PokerIndicator and TourneyManager), but I couldn’t convince myself that I should buy any of it, until tonight. I just ordered a license for TourneyManager. I hope that it’ll help me analyze my game a little more, especially when it comes to results. We’ll see. On another note, I’ll also buy PokerTracker soonish, but I’m waiting for Version 3.0 to appear, which should be in the near future.

Speaking of spending dough…I also ordered some new books to keep me company…I bought two of Schoonmaker’s books…”Your worst poker enemy: master the mental game” and “Your best poker friend: increase your mental edge”…and I even ordered some stuff which didn’t cost me anything (apart from FPPs)…a nice little sports jacket from the PokerStars store…nice.

Back to the new panel…here’s a pic of it…hmmmm….tasty…
Iiyama 24 inch

I’m out…

Joy and no joy…
Wednesday March 05th 2008, 5:13 am
Filed under: Bodog,No-Limit Hold'em,Omaha,Opinionated,PokerStars,Pot Limit,Tournaments

…still fighting with the flu, so no extensive sessions or anything. I managed to sneak in two brogger tourneys though. Saturdays with Dr. Pauly (PLO) and the bodonkey tonight.

SwDP is mostly a blurr, but it’s really been fun. I made the final table. Finished ITM. Not bad. Tonight in the bondonkey I was on a good run too. Didn’t pick up many hands, some small pps early on. Still managed to run my stack up to 5k with some good calls. In the end, the usual crap happened. Just before the second break we’re down to 20. I sit on 4.6k in chips (plus minus a few). I look down a KK in the BB. The first big pair all night. Sure enough and LP player (cutoff or button, I can’t remember) pops it to 900 (150/300 blinds)…nothing much to do here. Either call and push if no ace hits or push right away. I opted for the latter option. Result: get instacalled by AKo, see one of the fifteen aces in the deck hit the flop and cya. I guess the first option would have been better in this spot, but honestly, that’s only looking at the way the board came down…no way I’m not pushing here…so, for the second time in as many tries I exited from the bodonkey with waaaay the best hand….really disappointing, especially given the crazy starting time….but oh well…I guess I’ll have to live with that…. 😥 ….still stings like a mother though 👿

I love it…
Wednesday February 27th 2008, 12:53 am
Filed under: Heads Up,No-Limit Hold'em,Opinionated,PokerStars

…still running into shit hand after shit hand. I really need to take some time and analyze some of those hands as I’m slowly but steadily shaken to the core. How can I lose all those hands. Am I crazy? Did I make (a) mistake(s)?

I’m really not talking about the usual coolers here, yes, I’ve run kings into aces, queens into aces, jacks into aces and fives into aces all in one session, headsup, case cards were the norm (A9 vs Q9 on a 99xx board…sure enough we get it in and he rivers a Q, etc)…nice. I’m talking about hands like this one: you look down at QQ preflop headsup. You’re slightly ahead in chips and you pop it on the button, your opponent repops you pretty quickly, you repop him….he calls….as I don’t have any history on this player I can only assume what he’s got here. AA? No, he would have repopped me or shoved after my re-reraise…KK? See above…QQ…nope…so JJ down to 22? AK? AQ? Something along those lines is what I went with…the flop comes ten high rainbow with two threes…he checks….hmmm….I lead out pot….he shoves….what to do? I can’t put him on a three here and if he’s got the tens in his pocket I’m willing to stack off…he shows? K3o…sure enough no two outer for me and I’m all but busted….To quote myself: so sick!

Oh well…I guess it’s either that I’m on a really sick cooler-period again or something is really wrong with my game these days…one way or another I’ll have to turn this around as I’m really going crazy here…looking back at the last 3-6 months I can assess the following: Online, I dropped almost 2/3 of my PS bankroll, busted on FullTilt and gave back my winnings (not including the T$)…offline, I didn’t win a single tourney…yes, I finished ITM every now and then…but the norm is that I get busted being a 70+% favourite…

To quote yoda: Meditate on this, I will! 🙄

If the tables treat you like shit…
Sunday February 03rd 2008, 11:09 pm
Filed under: Opinionated

…treat yourself with a nice little toy. That’s what I thought tonight….I just ordered a new display…not that my old one isn’t good or anything….but I guess I’ll have fun with the new one…24 inches….1920×1200 resolution…which means even more screen real-estate…more multi-table fun… :mrgreen:

On another note: I’ll split to egypt on tuesday….two weeks of fun in the sun…cya on the other side…

Happy new year
Tuesday January 01st 2008, 9:32 pm
Filed under: Humor,Opinionated

May 08 be the best year ever! It started out not so good for me, still feeling sick due to stress…so no poker…instead I had to rescue the server after it was foobared in a server management software update…to quote myself “So sick…”…

At least I have a new good luck charm…a friend of mine brought it over from Ireland…it’s Finnegan the king of the leprechauns…lol…and as there was no pot of gold included, I guess it’s waiting for me at the tables in 08…Here he is sitting on my laptop
Finnegan the king of the leprechauns

Anyway…hope you all had a blast celebrating the arrival of the new year…and to quote Mike Sexton “May all your cards be live and your pots be monsters”…

Clouded judgement or cold deck mountain?

It’s been a while since I last posted and tbh, I didn’t play that much recently…over the last few days I tried to play a little though and it was horrible. “Bad beat” after bad beat, cooler after cooler…and I’m not making this shit up either…

Summary of a few of those lovely hands:

headsup NL HE: KK vs A7…A, next hand KK vs AA…nada; QQ vs 77….7, JJ vs 66…6; AK vs A5…A5xxx, etc etc

PL O8b: AAK2 vs A2xx…flush for him after going all-in preflop (deep stack); A2KK vs A2xx…no low he rivers a flush; etc etc

Razz: three to the wheel vs 8 low draw…capped all the way…I lose; rinse repeat; rinse repeat…

Coinflip and related bs statistics: update, pokerstars featuring a new eighteen aces deck…but not when I’m holding an ace…they’re switching it for the 0 Aces and 0 Kicker deck in that case…JJ vs Ax…A; QQ vs AK…A; JJ vs AQ…A; 66 vs A9…A; 77 vs A8…A; AK vs 77…nada, AQ vs A7…7….AK vs AJ…QTK; etc etc

60/40 bs: AJ vs KQ..K; AT vs QJ…Q; K9 vs QT…T; K8 vs Q7…7; etc etc

Other bs: AA vs KK…K; KK vs AA…nada; KK vs QQ…Q; JJ vs QQ…nada…; AA vs J9…he flops a straight; QQ vs K6…he rivers a 7 high straight; etc etc

I’m so fucking steamed up now…I guess I won’t be playing another hand this year…ridonkulous shit going on there, this isn’t about variance, this is about bs…and I won’t take it and throw away my money anymore…this is the biggest downswing I’ve ever seen and there’s shit I could have done about it (except logging off after the first cooler of a session…but what good is that?)…so fuck you PokerStars! Thanks for crapping on my christmas present. Once again: FUCK YOU! You won’t be seeing me online for the next few weeks…thanks again…for nothing.
On a brighter note: Happy holidays…and if I really stick to my promise: A happy new year! Cya on the other side…and better luck at the tables!

The iPhone eagle has landed…in the US
Friday November 09th 2007, 8:51 am
Filed under: Opinionated

Wooohooo….Waffles got my iPhone today….sweet. Only a few more days of oversea shipping and I’ll be able to play around with it. Hawesome!

Can I ask a favor?
Saturday October 20th 2007, 11:48 pm
Filed under: MoneyMoneyMoney,Opinionated

Hello there all regular readers, especially my fellow poker broggers. I’m a sucker for gadgets and I was playing around with the thought of getting an iphone for a while now…


So, why don’t I buy one in germany?

1. It isn’t out yet.

2. Apple has an exclusive contract with T-Mobile, which (un)fortunately isn’t my provider. *wink* *wink*
3. I hate paying a shitload of extra cash to get one on ebay(.de)…

4. What can I say, the dollar is mighty weak these days 😉

So…would anyone be willing to help me out (get the iphone, package it up along with the receipt, send it with USPS (probably the cheapest way to get it over here))? If so, please comment using the email-address where I can reach you (won’t be displayed to the public) so that we can talk…

…and before anyone asks: Yes, I would send you the dough for the phone + shipping via paypal upfront…and for your troubles you’ll get something extra (either some dough on a poker site or something else…we’ll see…)…so…get into gear and help me…pretty please 🙂