XMAS with Dr. Pauly
In case you missed the first “event” 5$ “crack dipped in heroin” aka PLO…you still got a shot at playing with the good doctor and friends tonight. The second event is already up for registration on pokerstars…it’s 3$ chasedevil aka Razz…head on over to Pauly’s twitter account for the usual password (hint: his poker blog)…
My first event was pretty horrible. While I enjoyed playing with Mr. CantHang and others, the deck kept bending me over…oh well…I’m outta here…heading to a birthday party…then maybe the Razz event (although the 5am start time isn’t all that appealing to me ;-))…

On being mighty thin-skinned…
These days it doesn’t take much for me to become totally tilted…I think I really should take a break, like I already said on twitter. I acted against my own advise and played some today and it didn’t take long to get tilted again. First I got tilted in NL HE as a calling station dumbsack couldn’t do much wrong, hitting miracles left and right. I threw away the next match. Then I switched gears and played an Omaha MTT. The ultimate tilter. I held my ground and was among the chipleaders for most of the way. Then a hand came down were I flopped the nuts and lost (the main pot, but won the sidepot). If I win that pot I’ve got 7-8x the current average. Instead I lose the mainpot, but I’m still in the top 10. The break comes up. A few hands after the break I’m out on a total tilt move – after losing 2 small pots in a row I push my stack in with air and obv get called…I’m still wondering what made me go over the edge on that one…I guess it was the sum of all the bad hands before that, I just couldn’t take it anymore…but what do you expect in an 8$ four card bingo MTT? Nevermind raising big coming in, you’ll get called anyway. Get to see a lot of flops cheaply, flop the nuts and get payed off – unless you get unlucky. Easy…if you got the patience and can keep a cool head. Both of the latter ran out on me after slightly over an hour. Sick. Oh well, I can’t beat myself up too much about it…and this time I’m sticking to my own advise. I won’t play another hand over the weekend. De-tilt 101. I’m outta here…

PLO is such a sick game
Played my heart out for 1.5h and pushed in with the nuts on a rainbow board, still wasn’t enough as I would have lost the hand no matter what…both opponents sucked out…one on the turn, locking us both out, but just to rub it in the other opponent rivered a better hand than mine – just for good measure. So I sit here a little bit frustrated as I cruise to the final table if I win that final hand, but oh well…I had fun and the fish I busted in a HU match prior to the tourney payed my way in…so all good…still sucks though 😉

SwDP and other stuff…
Well, played a little poker today. Totally a mixed bag. Busted some fools early, then lost to some ridonkulously bad calling stations who couldn’t fold a hand and caught and caught and caught. Oh well. Then I jumped into the SwDP and had a good run right up until the first break, coincidentally it was the final table bubble as well. I sit second in chips about 2k above average and I get tangled up in a hand with the biggest stack (having me covered by about 3k). I flop three pair and most of the money goes in. The turn gives me a flush draw, but it also gives my opponent a better two pair and the nut flush draw. I’m busto on the final table bubble. Sigh. At least it was my own stubbornness that cost me the tourney and not a sick cooler and/or bad beat like the ones that cost TheRooster and Al the tourney. I crippled TheRooster when I turn a boat again his flopped boat on a 499 flop (me 9xxx, he 44xx)…too bad I couldn’t use the tasty rooster chips to bring it home…oh well…gg and cya soon…

SwDP and some headsup
Played a little four-card bingo aka the Saturdays with Dr. Pauly tourney. The usual madness ensues early. I catch some good hands (preflop) and sometimes even connect lightly to the flop…still no dice (e.g. AsAcJc5s…flop with two spades…turn and river blank)…finally I manage to run Queens into Kings…money goes in post-flop with an all-under board…obv he’s got two small connectors to go with the kings and flopped a straight with ’em…me drawing dead…wheee…out in 25th of 30. Sucky suck…PLO just isn’t my game…I love PLO8, but really hate PLO…why? Because I can’t have a hand hold up and when a big pot comes down and I have 3/4 the deck to catch…well….the other 1/4 hits…all the time….
After that usual disappointment – why do I even play this tourney, it doesn’t make sense – I switched to headsup and crushed some donkeys. They were out in full force tonight and I managed to bust all but one going 4-1. Gem of the evening: Player raising to 140 in the first hand (10/20 blinds). I fold. Player raising to 140 in the second hand. I fold. Player raising to 140 in the third hand…I look down at A5s and shove. He thinks for 10 seconds then calls…he shows 35o…errm yeah…good move…lol…I’m outta here…gl at the tables everyone…
I <3 PLO donkaments
*lol* where ppl can call pot-sized bets preflop, on the flop, on the turn and on the river….pretty nice…especially if you lose with trip aces…then the very next hand same deal, this time it’s pot-sized bets preflop, on the flop and on the turn (all-in) and you get call by TP and a gutshot against your Aces with the nut-flush draw…sure enough the gutterball hits on the river….*lol*…that’s so sick that I can laugh really hard about it…
Apart from that I went 2:1 in HU SnGs…and enjoyed myself listening to PokerRoad’s Crew (including Annette_15) ribbing my main man smokkee about his WSOP backing deal…who pitched it to them? The Smokkeester himself :p
Good night and gl at the tables….
Played the four-card bingo named Saturdays with Dr. Pauly again…did pretty well dodging some coolers, made some hands…then lost my head in one hand…and all my chips in the process. Last hand before the break, folded around to me in the SB…i got Tc Ts 5s 9d. I raise it up to 3x (300)…Change100 calls in the BB…flop comes down 5d 7s 3s…so an overpair + a middling-flush draw. I lead out pot (600) and get raised to put me all-in. I pretty much insta-call without thinking about it. Change100 shows Th 8d 6h 4d for the flopped straight…turn and river brick me out and I’m gone.
Oh well, I guess I should have thought about it on the flop…then again…if the flush comes I’m chipleader of the whole thing…so I don’t feel too bad. GG and cya all next week or something…
SwDP and some NL action
Played the Saturdays with Dr. Pauly four-card bingo tourney tonight, finished in a disappointing 21st out of 29…didn’t even make the first break. I guess I should abstain from playing PLO tourneys, even if they’re blogger tourneys. Why? Because
- Although I love PLO8, I hate PLO.
- I can’t catch a break in PLO.
- I’m usually (slightly) tilted after playing a PLO tourney…if not I’m at least a little ticked off.

So after busting out early I hit the NL SnGs…and it wasn’t pretty. When I didn’t make a mistake it was either a cooler or a flip and I couldn’t win either one of them. Especially disturbing: I had some tighty Mc tight tables tonight and every time we got to the bubble or near it, I tried to put the pressure on…didn’t work out all that well. I guess I’ll be back on thursday…until then gl at the tables and enjoy the random pic dump…

Uneventful saturday at the tables…
Played the now usual 9-handed SnGs a little today…no joy in either one of them…managed to squeeze into the money once (3rd), bubbled 3 times…busted out earlier 4 times…yuck.
Then I played a little four-card bingo courtesy of Saturdays with Dr. Pauly…my starting table included the host himself and the action was pretty wild early on. I managed to dump more than half of my stack against Aces…I knew he had them…but after the turn gave me a straight- + flush-draw along with the good old trips and two pair draw I just couldn’t fold…I guess I could have gone broke here, too…but didn’t. I managed to bust out soon enough though…AKJx against QQxx and TTxx…I flopped the ace…turned two pair…but managed to lose to a straight on the river…oh well…bingo…reverse…after that I watched the rest of the tourney and saw Waffels do pretty good…until he busted out in fifth. Seems he’s back into the same routine as me in recent MTTs…”Do well until you can see the finish line…then manage to crap into your pants infront of the stall-door”…too bad…I would have loved to see him win another one…
Anyway…I’m outta here…time to catch some sleep and maybe the (SnG-) World will look brighter tomorrow…
Saturdays with Dr. Pauly
I won’t be able to play as I’ll be throwing cards in the home game…shouldn’t keep you from playing four-card bingo though, now should it?
All infos in the pic below…