Right back at ya
After yesterday’s rants and playing well after I should have stopped – yes I even played again after the rant post – I was back calm and collected at the tables at Stars. Pretty uneventful, although I gotta say it’s a good feeling when you can finally have a hand hold up in crucial pots (and or win a flip in that spot) when playing turbo SnGs. Played four of them (6max, turbo, $12+1), won 2 and finished 2nd in another. Nice. Apart from that I played one turbo DS to the sunday million, no dice again.
Not much more I gotta tell you atm, except that it’s a good feeling to finally note down a winning session, albeit a short one, but who cares…enjoy the random pic dump and I’m outta here (the first 9 snaps are from yesterday, the rest from today, pt graph only showing the 4 SnGs, not the DS…time I figured out how to filter properly in PT3 I guess…hints on how to filter something like “last x tournaments” would be appreciated)…

Pokerstars can kiss my ass, too
Fucking cunts. What a lovely way to start off a post, get it out of your system. Yes! After today’s FTP disaster I went back old school on Stars playing one turbo DS to the sunday million (11.7$) and one shorthanded DS to the sunday million (8.8$). What happens in both, I get donkkicked.
Situation one: We started out with a table of nine. After around 90hands, we’re down to three and I’m the chipleader. Wheeee. Then the shorty (2.8k with 300/600 blinds) goes all-in from the button. I look down at 77 in the BB and after the SB folds I instacall. He shows 67 s0000ted. Flop gives him a straight draw which completes on the turn leaving me with 3 outs to a fucking chop (6). Of course the river bricks and the donktard doubles up and I’m left with around 2.4k instead of being headsup with a 7 to 5 chip lead. Fast forward to my next BB. I look at AQ s0000ted. SB shoves I instacall. He shows KQo (see below). K on the turn and I’m busto. Thumbs up stars, you’ve monkeyfucked me in a crucial pot for the 1 trillionth time.
As you see, 3 outs are gold. Weird though that everytime I find myself in a 3 outer spot, well, let’s just say I hit it about average. My opponents though hit a grand-slam homerun every single time it’s a crucial pot. How come?
In the 6 max one, I’m at the final table. About five hands in, a trend is forming. One player keeps overshoving the pot. I guess it’s part of his/her strategy as 6th place pays 0, so chances are slim someone is calling without the nuts. Wrong. Once the donktard shoves from the SB over my button raise, I basically instacall with my nines. AQ s0000000ted is my opponent. Flop flush draw…turn blank…river ace…cya. Nice! Now, losing a flip shouldn’t throw me over the edge and after that flop it would have been foolish to believe my hand could ever hope up, but still I’m fed up with this shit. Everytime I flip for a small amount in a dumb pot, I win. Everytime I flip for a crucial pot, I lose. Believe me, this is probably just the tilted analysis, but I’m going to check all my stats in PT3 for sure and I’m willing to lay 2:1 that my 50% looks more like 30% over all the hands I’ve played….(chips/money wise, not win/lose)…I’ll get back to you about that…anyway…I’m outta here…
Mood: Steam-tilt; thinking about quitting online poker for good – just one of these days, I guess…

Slighty up, playing good…mostly
Got around to play a little today, 8 SnGs and one double shootout, a grand total of 297 hands (lol). Was headsup on the first table in the shootout, but just couldn’t overcome the good run of my opponent. He busted all other players before we were headsup and despite being at a major chip deficit I stuck to my plan and got to almost even. Then I couldn’t improve on an TP vs TP situation in which I was outkicked.
The 6 handed SnGs were about breakeven (1W in four tries, net -2.6$), what saved me were the 11$ heads up matches only played 4 won 3 of them including a 4-player-match…so that put me up to 27.95$ up for the session…that doesn’t matter much to me though, what matters is that I played good and made solid decisions, feels good when you call a big river bet with 68o for third pair and you’re right…
Alrighty…I’m dead-ass tired…so I’ll leave you with the usual pic dump and new pt graph…good luck and may the felt be with you…

DSs and the WSOP
Well, well, I’m back from cologne, so I’ll better post some pics of the last tourneys I played before I left. I played two Double Shootouts trying to qualify for the sunday million (and then unregister to get some dough to fuel a possible WSOP qualification). Didn’t work out that well though, yes, I won my first table in both cases, but I was unable to grab a seat. Disappointing, but at least I finished up a little thanks to the first one I played.
Anyway, I’m outta here following the WSOP at fine outlets like PokerNews and Dr. Pauly (Tao of Poker)…

The return of the DS monster – W$ anyone?
I’m really exhausted after some of the best poker in my life…so just a quick pic dump…W$ anyone? I’ve never sold those before (I sold T$ before on pokernews)…Edit: I did the trade using psswap.com this time, they offered the best rate at 92% and the transaction was painless…fill in form…request trade via pokerstars…wait…two minutes later…boom….done…. 😀

I’m outta here tired but smiling…
Giddy up
Just a quick session today as there was a lot of football going on tonight, first a friendly game played at our field (won 2-1), then a friendly game of our national team against belgium (won 2-0). I decided to get a little HORSEy tonight…and I was able to bust one, lose one. Then I jump into a DS to the sunday million and I get kicked in the junk. First this sucker rivers a flush with his KQs against my AKs…then he busts me with QQ. How did that hand go down? He raises preflop. I call with Kx. Why do I call there, because I know that if I hit the flop he will pay me off, easy as that. Flop comes down KJx. Not the joint, but hey. I check. He bets pot….I repop him all-in (he got me covered by a few chips). Instacall. What does he have? QQ. Nicely played sir, thank you for stacking off. Turn Q. Nevermind….I’m outta here…gl at the tables everyone….
Grinding can be fun…
…but it can be frustrating as well. I played a longer session by current standards, over 4h without a break. Nothing much going on either way, after 1MTT, 1DS and 10 SnGs I’m down 2 bucks…lol…snap. Oh well, at least I got myself into my favourite game again, a Stud H/L MTT…80 runners…almost 2h and I’m busto in 29th. It was a pretty sick run. Within the first 30 minutes I almost doubled up and was the chipleader. I was walking on water and pushing the edges…and it payed off. After that it was cooler town for the next hour. Gotta love it when you’re opponent gotta have perfect cards in the hole and/or catch them on 6th or 7th and does just that. Oh well…I managed to hang in there but couldn’t recover…in the end the antes were eating me alive so I had to push it, didn’t work out…oh well…I’m outta here…gl at the tables everyone….

A little better…
…still not great though. Today I played a variety of games. Along with my bread and butter NL Hold’em, I played some HORSE as well…and a double shootout to the sunday million. I’m happy to report that I made that final table and busted out in the money…still sucks though as I lost most of my stack to a total donk on a flip (we both were short and he thought it was a good idea to call a third of his stack preflop with 86 s000ted)…I’m also happy to report that I totally busted my opponent in a HORSE headsup match….I’m not happy to report that I didn’t win a single flip today…that’s quite a few days in a row where I can’t win one (and yes I’m counting ;))…had exactly three flips today AhKh vs 88, lost that one, 44 vs 86s, lost that one, 55 vs A7…yeah…lost that one too. Oh well, at least I can log-off on a high winning my last HU match and the horse one…gl at the tables everyone….

How ugly can it get…
….pretty ugly. After almost a week of no poker I jumped back into the aquarium today and I did my best no to tap the glass. In the end I got steamrolled by the donksquad. Maniacal game – no dice, aggressive game – no dice, passive game – no dice. Somehow all the matches lasted long enough to either see the blinds get huge or me getting it in on a coinflip. I think I don’t even need to tell you that I didn’t win a single race tonight, not one. 44 vs AJ, JJ vs Q9 (yeah…not exactly a raise, I still lost), AK vs 66, etc etc….so sick. In total I played one DS to the sunday million, lost in third at my starting table on a flip, then I lost 7 NL Hold’em headsup matches, won one and won one Razz headsup match. Pretty fucking sick. Honestly…but oh well, what am I gonna do…yeah, you’re right…log off and forget about it…and that’s what I’m going to do…Holden’s Bigger Deal is waiting as a good-night read…so I’m outta here…gl at the tables everyone….
Doooown and up
That was the way the session went. Started of 1 of 5 in the first five headsup matches. It was pretty brutal as I played against a few real donkey-maniacs. One of them set a new record he played exactly 100% of the hands. He never folded no matter what he had. Now, this is usually easy to exploit…value bet him to death right? Well, hard to do if you don’t flop a pair in what seems like an eternity…and he’s hitting his cards left and right. His comment about playing 100% of the hands aka not folding a single hand “No need”…yeah, if you’re running that good there seems to be no need to fold…just shove it in with trash and see your opponent get mad like hell for losing every single hand.
Alrighty…after that I thought I’d take a break from headsup and so I jumped into a turbo DS to the sunday million. Not my speciality, the 6 max, but the full ring one. It was fugly. Got nothing going early…then when the blinds got big I had to make a move…sure enough I lost a 70/30 shot with AJs vs KTo…KTo = insta-call….obv.
After that I moved back to headsup and crushed em. I won four straight and then it was time to log off. I guess I could have continued for a little while longer, but I just felt like ending the session on a high note, even if that meant that I had to quit the session a little bit down. In the end I don’t let that get in my way anymore though, after all it’s one looooooong ass poker session…and so what does it matter that I’m down 5 bucks or whatever? Exactly…nothing. So I’m outta here…gl at the tables everyone…