FTP got the best of me again
Monday March 15th 2010, 1:01 am
Filed under: Full Tilt Poker,Heads Up,No-Limit Hold'em,Opinionated,Rush,S&G

…and what is that? Yes, my money. I can’t believe how easily fooled I am. They come knocking with a 100$ bonus and I fall into the trap. I reload and before I get to 20% of the bonus I’m busto for roughly 1.5 times the whole bonus.

That’s how you do promos folks, reel in the sucker with a promise of “free” money, then skin him alive and laugh at him. Well played folks.

I’m pretty much fed up with all the bs, so I won’t even bother to complain about the “sick” hand here, and “sicker” hand there…I’ll just do one final pic dump and I’m off…never to touch ftp again…the following pics depict my play on ftp from march 6th to march 14th…

1. Oooh, Aces vs Queens and they actually hold up…too bad shorty got it in, winning me a grand total of under 2 bucks…


2. Ace King? Nooo goot, obv 67s00ted is the nuts…standard 3.5bet before the flop, shove on the flop…insta-called…


3. I won a flip? Rigged…exactly! That’s why I lose the next 100 in a row…


4. I fold Kings preflop after a 3bet and 4bet reshove…of course the fonkeys have an ace each…two outs would have been good nontheless…good fold me…


5. Three jacks no g00t…how I managed to lose the minimum is still a mystery…


6. 4:1 favourite? In FTP math that’s like 3% to win…


7. Dominated? You’re going to lose, period.


8. Flopping to set? Not enough against jackAce s000000000ted…obviously!


9. Who needs twenty outs? Noone, three are always enough against me…end of story…


10. If you still didn’t get the memo…I said three outs are enough…


11. Hello, keep up…three outs are still enough…don’t you listen?


12. 3 best is the nuts…I can live with losing with second best…


13. Flopping dem quads is a nice feeling…getting junk kicked afterwards and bubbling…not so much…


14. Best in worst out…always a kick…especially against two undercards…lol…


15. Playing the pros…two thirds and two junk-kicks…just the right ratio to go insane slowly…


16. First hand, always the right moment to run into the BB special…


17. Waw? You still didn’t get the 3out-memo? Wtf…try to keep up…!


18. which leads us to this beauty…


The end…

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