Filed under: Heads Up,MoneyMoneyMoney,No-Limit Hold'em,Opinionated,Poker Stuff,PokerStars,S&G,Shorthanded
After today’s reload I tried to get back right into the thick of things, but I couldn’t get much going early on. In the end I was able to recoup a little bit, but I finished the day down nontheless. Not too excited about it, but not much I could have done, I made two clearly bad plays that cost me two matches, but in the other ones…no chance. Anyway, I’m happy with the way I played.
Before I leave you with the usualy pic dump, let me introduce my newest idea: a while back I invested a little money and bought me both TourneyManager and PokerTracker3…around the “christmas break” I thought it was time that I put them to use, especially PT3. So I got myself all the tournament summaries and what-not and started to analyze a little. Now I know which are my most profitable games (in terms of net won) and I think I’ll keep hitting them hard. Now to my idea: with all the lovely analytical functions and stuff of PT3, one thing stands out in terms of blogging (IMHO)…and that is a simple graph displaying a few infos about a usual day at “the office”…so I’ll try to add one of those to my posts in the future…enjoy.
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