Mood: slightly ticked off
Saturday May 03rd 2008, 2:44 am
Filed under: Casual Play,Heads Up,No-Limit Hold'em,Opinionated,PokerStars,S&G

Today was one of these days where you can just feel that something isn’t right. It all started out pretty good with two easy HU wins against opponents playing too tight…and once they couldn’t take it anymore I had a monster. Then it all fell apart. It was a mixture of 60/40 shots not going my way, with the occasional cooler and there were some errors on my part, too. I dropped the ball in two consecutive SnGs after being three-outered for a big pot. Oh well, the way it goes sometimes. At least I got my shit together in time to cash in the last one I played. Third…still pretty sick as I got three-outered again…so instead of headsup 5:1 in chips I’m crippled with 3BB…oh well…

So I logged off and went to a little barbecue/party. The crowd was a mix of the usual home game faces and some others. Once the majority of the “others” left, it was inevitable…pokah! It was wild and slow and fun, mostly. I can honestly say that this table was a new experience. Fourteen (!) players. As some teamed up those 14 became 11 (as five players built a three and two player-combo). I joked that I would push all-in on the first hand…and once I looked down at TT in LP…I chuckled…then pushed all-in. *lol* I won the blinds and limps. The rest is mostly a blurr…one player, who was so drunk that he left the table on a few occasions (to puke all over the host’s bathroom, yikes), basically steamrolled the table winning pot after pot and eliminating player after player: “What you got a set? Oh well…I got King high….I call the all-in”…*lol*…sure enough he runner-runners the straight, etc etc.

So sick. But anyway…back to my play. It came down to three crucial hands. I pushed in with KJo in the BB after the button and SB limped..button calls with QT…flop comes down KJx…turn? A….wheeeee…NOT…river is a blank and I’m crippled. Next hand I push in blind in the SB…cutoff calls…I river a straight with my J7o…next hand I push in blind on the button…get called in two spots…I river a Jack with my J3o….one opponent shows J4o…split pot as the lowest card on the board, a 5, plays…*lol*…two hands later UTG pushes for 1.5BB (!)…UTG+1 min-raises….folded to me…I look down at 66 and I push over the top…UTG+1 calls…showdown: UTG – KJo…UTG+1 – KQo…looking good…flop is all low…no 6 though…turn J…river blank….and I’m busto…and now I’m typing this…enjoy the following (not so) random pic dump and I’m outta here….

random pic dump

random pic dump

random pic dump

random pic dump

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