Can I ask a favor?
Saturday October 20th 2007, 11:48 pm
Filed under: MoneyMoneyMoney,Opinionated

Hello there all regular readers, especially my fellow poker broggers. I’m a sucker for gadgets and I was playing around with the thought of getting an iphone for a while now…


So, why don’t I buy one in germany?

1. It isn’t out yet.

2. Apple has an exclusive contract with T-Mobile, which (un)fortunately isn’t my provider. *wink* *wink*
3. I hate paying a shitload of extra cash to get one on ebay(.de)…

4. What can I say, the dollar is mighty weak these days 😉

So…would anyone be willing to help me out (get the iphone, package it up along with the receipt, send it with USPS (probably the cheapest way to get it over here))? If so, please comment using the email-address where I can reach you (won’t be displayed to the public) so that we can talk…

…and before anyone asks: Yes, I would send you the dough for the phone + shipping via paypal upfront…and for your troubles you’ll get something extra (either some dough on a poker site or something else…we’ll see…)…so…get into gear and help me…pretty please 🙂

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