Poker is making me sick again…
Saturday February 11th 2012, 11:22 pm
Filed under: Casual Play,No-Limit Hold'em,Opinionated,PokerStars,S&G,Shorthanded

Sorry for the lack of posting, madly busy at work these days, so basically no playing on weekdays, only on the weekends and if I feel like it.

Had a nice run the last few weeks, that changed to a so-and-so run the past few days and to a disaster today. I couldn’t win when it mattered and I think I bubbled more than I’ve ever have…so sick…oh well…I’ll stop the bleeding for today and just quit for the day…no use in throwing more money away as I can’t win even a 95% hand when it counts…I’m outta here to de-steam…

random pic dump
random pic dump
random pic dump
random pic dump
random pic dump

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