I guess it was inevitable…no point in making excuses…if you’re on a mini-bankroll and you’re getting raked like there’s no tomorrow, you will have to show a good performance and also desperately try to avoid getting unlucky…both didn’t happen and so tonight it finally happened. After posting two winning sessions in $1/$2 and $2/$4 TD, I finally went busto when I lost my final 50BB at $1/$2 TD.
The story of that session is easily explained: have #2, lose to #1…have 86432 lose to 85432…have 87432 lose to 86432…and it went on an on…especially nice when your opponents are playing incorrect strategy over and over again and get lucky…and by lucky I mean: it’s not normal that you draw 2 perfect cards in the third draw…hence it might have been a good idea to fold after the first draw…or the second draw…the blessing and curse of limit games…if they didn’t get lucky on me on 4 different occasions I would have applauded their play…but hey, that’s not the way it went down…
So…what a shitty end of 2009….not the way I envisioned it, that’s for sure.
What else is left to say….like I already said in the last post…after 4 years of grinding it out, I was starting to get really sick and tired of the way things were going…how can you stay sane if you dominate games and still can’t overcome the rake and bad luck? How many donkkicks can you endure before you snap? Many many many ones…but is it worth it? Up to this point, I def thought so…but I’m not so sure anymore and while I’m bummed out atm, I feel a sense of calm too…
With that rant I present you the final screenshot of 2009…and maybe the last one for a while…we’ll see about that…until then, I wish you nerves like steel ropes, better luck than me and a nice 2010 both poker- and life-wise.
Peace out.

NL kicking my ass…
…it’s hard to show a profit when you:
1. Can’t win a flip
2. Can’t win an uneven flip either (no matter if you’re 60/40 or 40/60)
…especially if you’re playing turbo SnGs where you’re force to play soon enough…
That being said, I’m done for the year with NL Hold’em…fed up, done and almost busto. Time to regroup. To do that I decided – if I play at all – I’ll play some limit games that most ppl aren’t all that experienced in…so with that in mind I hit the 2-7 Triple Draw cash tables (.5/1) and crushed it, almost recouping my NL Hold’em losses for the day…let’s see how this plan works out…for now I’m outta here…
…as I’m not sure if I get around to posting again until the new year, I’m taking the chance to wish all of my loyal readers, fellow degenerates and poker broggers a very happy new year! May all your poker (and other) plans work out…cya on the other side…I’m all-out!

…that about sums it up. The last few days, my first vacation in ages, have been bleak poker-wise. Every time it looks like I can make a run at it…well…there’s the donkkick or whatnot. Really frustrating, even more so as I’m now on an ultra-short bankroll, so I’m really handcuffed…decision-time coming up soonish. Start another run with a refueled bankroll (I drained it a while back to buy some nice stuff like the 24″ screen and what-not and I couldn’t sustain much momentum after that…get your tinfoil-hats ready :p )…or continue to grind it out at the lowest limits…I don’t know yet what I’m going to do…either way, watch this spot and you’ll hear about it soon enough…
Until then I’m trying to get planning in motion for my first ever Vegas trip…we’ve been talking about it in my home game for ages, and I think it’s time that we either do it or we don’t (and I hit the road on my own)…let’s see if it’s going to happen…I’ll keep you posted…until then enjoy the random pic dump…I’m outta here…

Random pic dump
Finally came around to play a little bit more and find a lot of screencaps left unpublished on my desktop…I will spare you the sum of junk-kicks and bad plays of the last few days, let’s just say that I wasn’t on the good side of variance and frustration ensued…anyways…enjoy the random pic dump and cya at the virtual green felt soonish…

XMAS with Dr. Pauly
In case you missed the first “event” 5$ “crack dipped in heroin” aka PLO…you still got a shot at playing with the good doctor and friends tonight. The second event is already up for registration on pokerstars…it’s 3$ chasedevil aka Razz…head on over to Pauly’s twitter account for the usual password (hint: his poker blog)…
My first event was pretty horrible. While I enjoyed playing with Mr. CantHang and others, the deck kept bending me over…oh well…I’m outta here…heading to a birthday party…then maybe the Razz event (although the 5am start time isn’t all that appealing to me ;-))…

Merry christmas
Merry christmas everyone…

P.S. All the money goes in on the turn, of course the river fucks me…Fuck you pokerstars!!! That is all…