Well, well, 2009. Happy new year to all my loyal readers, fellow poker bloggers, regular visitors and new visitors!
Today I was able to squeeze in the first session of the new year, a rather short one due to some technical difficulties on pokerstars. I don’t know what was the root cause for this, but I played some headsup matches. Then logged off. Came back later on and played some razz ring games and then wanted to jump back into the HU SnGs, but there were no new ones spawned and I couldn’t sit down at any tables either. I guess it’s time for PokerStars to invest some of the multi-billion-dollars they’re earning to get some additional servers as 250k+ concurrent players is the norm these days (at least around the time of the “big tourneys”). But back to play, rather uneventfull. I played my regular game, although I’m slowly trying to incorporate some of the concepts I read in Moshman’s Headsup No Limit Hold’em book (I’m about half way through it and enjoy it so far, I guess it’s save to say that all regular Headsup players can take away a few things from this book).
I lost track about how many SnGs I did play, a rare occurance as I usually take excessive notes of every session, but I’m lazy today and I’ll reconstruct the number played via the FPPs later on (too lazy now). The stats are good though, so it’s not a case of lazy stats due to losing 😉 I won all matches but one. The funniest two matches were the last two. The second to last was against a supernova player. Yeah, you read that right. A supernova player playing 11$ HU matches…I asked him if he was busto (like the other supernova I played a little while back), but he didn’t chat at all. Too bad. I busted him after I resucked in a big pot. He got lucky on the turn, me on the river. The last match was funny. The guy sits down at the table and starts the conversation with the good ole donk “all-in first hand?”…I reply “donk?”…he comes back with “just asking?”…I come back with “just sayin!” lol…end of conversation. True to his word he pushes in in the first four hands. I hold gin in the fourth one and he’s down to 60. lol. He doubles up. Doubles up. I chop him down again. He doubles up. Doubles up. I chop him down again. Then he finally makes another big mistake. How can you call a raise to 200 with a stack of 450 and fold to my push on the flop? lol. I bust him a few hands later with JT vs J8.
Enjoy the three pics…two featuring the supernova (unbusted and busted) and the conversation with mr. all-in first hand, so the pics are 100% whining-free, bad-beat-free and easily enjoyable. One of the things I’m looking forward doing this year: posting more happy screenshots than sad ones…let’s see if PokerStars cooperates 😉
Good luck at the tables…
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