Doooown and up
Wednesday July 30th 2008, 2:05 am
Filed under: Double Shootout,Heads Up,No-Limit Hold'em,PokerStars,S&G

That was the way the session went. Started of 1 of 5 in the first five headsup matches. It was pretty brutal as I played against a few real donkey-maniacs. One of them set a new record he played exactly 100% of the hands. He never folded no matter what he had. Now, this is usually easy to exploit…value bet him to death right? Well, hard to do if you don’t flop a pair in what seems like an eternity…and he’s hitting his cards left and right. His comment about playing 100% of the hands aka not folding a single hand “No need”…yeah, if you’re running that good there seems to be no need to fold…just shove it in with trash and see your opponent get mad like hell for losing every single hand.

Alrighty…after that I thought I’d take a break from headsup and so I jumped into a turbo DS to the sunday million. Not my speciality, the 6 max, but the full ring one. It was fugly. Got nothing going early…then when the blinds got big I had to make a move…sure enough I lost a 70/30 shot with AJs vs KTo…KTo = insta-call….obv.

After that I moved back to headsup and crushed em. I won four straight and then it was time to log off. I guess I could have continued for a little while longer, but I just felt like ending the session on a high note, even if that meant that I had to quit the session a little bit down. In the end I don’t let that get in my way anymore though, after all it’s one looooooong ass poker session…and so what does it matter that I’m down 5 bucks or whatever? Exactly…nothing. So I’m outta here…gl at the tables everyone…

money in on the flop


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