The UB Scandal…
Because Pauly and Shamus said so…so here it goes…
If you play online poker (especially if you are one of the blind fools still playing on UB), it’s in everyone’s best interest to spread the word on this important thread…
Superusers and Silence: How UltimateBet let players get cheated for millions by Steven Ware & Cornell Fiji (2+2)
Here’s a sample:
“I believe that it is important for online poker players to know about the unethical business practices of UltimateBet and Absolute Poker. It is also imperative to understand that these unscrupulous activities are not an indictment on the entire online poker industry. As you read this thread please keep in mind that UltimateBet and Absolute Poker are owned by the same company. They are also regulated by the same puppet regulatory commission. Most poker sites are run with the utmost integrity and security. UltimateBet and Absolute Poker are the exception and not the rule.
I urge the concerned reader to pass word of this summary on to other interested parties. The spread of this information will ultimately protect poker players from unknowingly exposing themselves to the corruption detailed below…
The players on UltimateBet were victims of a serious crime: grand larceny facilitated by a company that operates virtually outside the law. I hope that the efforts spent investigating and publicizing this story will help the victims of these crimes find restitution. I hope that this story will also highlight the need for independent regulation in the online poker industry.
Please use this thread to discuss the the best way to convince UltimateBet to come clean about their involvement in this theft and to provide restitution for these crimes. Please also use this thread to discuss the best ways to ensure that a scandal such as this one does not taint the game of poker occur ever again…. More“
The bodonkey makes me sick
Every time I play, I play good poker. This time it was 2 1/2 hours. We’re down to 12 and the blinds are 400/800. I’ve folded for three orbits and I finally pick up a hand. AcKc. I raise it and get reraised to almost put me all-in. As I’ve commited 33% of my stack already I’m willing to flip if necessary. That being said, I hope I got my opponent dominated, but no…the usual he shows KK. So good so far, the usual “cooler”. I’m too tired to look it up now, but I got the impression that everytime I bomb out of the bodonkey it’s either me, monster vs opponent, monster+1 or me, monster vs opponent, bs and he get’s his x outer. So sick. I mean come on, I stay awake for a tourney that starts at 3:05am. I play my heart out and then I get felted on a hand like this. Damn it. Why don’t you just put that dagger in after 20 minutes?
Back to my final hand…of course the flop contains none of the usual 17 aces in the deck, but wait…the case king popped right up….but wait…there are two clubs…hmm….turn pairs the board and the only thing that the dealer does in favour of me: he doesn’t put the third club on board, which honestly would have set me on mega-tilt…
Hand Number 1237572569
Start Date 2008-05-21 05:35:56
End Date 2008-05-21 05:36:33
Pot Size $16.700,00
Rake $0,00
Game Type Hold’Em
Play Mode Real
Table Name Online Poker Blogger Tournament
Structure NL
Community Cards Kd 3c 5c 5d 8s
Name Seat
Position Cards
Dealt Start/End
Amount Total
Bet Win/Loss
raisydaisy22 1 $7.448,00/$7.073,00 $375,00 $-375,00
KJTech 2 $8.910,00/$8.235,00 $675,00 $-675,00
Ingoal 3 K A $7.750,00/$0,00 $7.750,00 $-7.750,00
Riggstad 5 K K $14.340,00/$23.290,00 $7.750,00 $8.950,00
RecessRampage2 8 $8.235,00/$8.160,00 $75,00 $-75,00
APOSEC72 9 $9.997,50/$9.922,50 $75,00 $-75,00
Anyway…I’m really bummed out right now…and tired…05:45am and I’m sick of it…really sick of it…I doubt I will be playing the bodonkey in the near future, it’s just not healthy for me anymore…what’s the point in staying up that late, just to be felted on a cooler every week…so fuck it…I’m outta here…
Atrocious play and some interesting hands
Despite the title I really played well today. The title is referring to some players I faced tonight and especially to their play on the bubble or slightly after it. Pretty sick how stupid some people are. The last SnG I played was especially atrocious near the end. First of all we’re down to four, bubble time. I’m the massive chipleader, one player is sitting pretty (half my stack), one is short and one is ultra short. Given that setup we can all cruise till the ultra-shorty is in the BB, which will be in 2 hands. The second in chips player has another idea. He calls my preflop raise OOP. Sure, I could be running over the table…BUT I’ve shown nothing but the nuts so far at this table and given the shorty situation, oh well…let’s see how the hand goes. By the way, I have KK here. Flop comes down Queen-high and he shoves after a few seconds of delibertion. I insta-call. Not surprisingly he shows AQo and is drawing slim. Nothing hits on the turn and river and he’s busto as the bubble-boy.
Due to the bustout the ultra-shorty is the BB in the very next hand. The blinds are 200/400, he’s got 568 chips. Button raises to 1200. I fold my SB. Now comes the next atrocious play which is even worse than the play before. BB folds! I’m still rolling on the floor laughing at that play. I mean come on ppl, how stupid can you be. You just squeezed into the money, you’ve got 568…400 in the BB + 50 ante which leaves you with 138 chips if you fold and you do just that? You gotta be kidding me. Next hand he’s auto-all-in and busts. Well done sir. A few hands later I bust the other guy and I win the thing.
Apart from that the play of the seven earlier SnGs is mostly a blurr. All I know is that people don’t understand turbo strategy, they don’t care, they don’t know better or they got a ultra-secret gameplan that I can’t understand. They play tighter than a nuns punany. So if you’ve got a table with such tight-cakes there are some outcomes which will see early bustouts (e.g. coolers) or you play 7-9 handed for a long time when the SnG is quickly turning into a crapshoot. Fine with me as I can steal and steal in the middle part of the SnG (after the first 2-3 levels). But sooner or later you will have to find a hand. It was pretty funny what kind of hands I found once it was time to push it. A real gem is in the second screenshot below. No doubt I’m a massive dog here, 99 vs KK, so this is no bad beat in the classic sense, it’s funny as hell though. First I’m bummed, then I’m bummed even more when we both flop sets. Once he turns the K for quads, I’m already giggling and saying to myself: wait, the case 9 should fall on the river just to rub it in…and sure enough it hits and I can’t stop laughing 😆
Abyway, to make a long story short, I still like my game these days, it seems to be spot on…the results show it mostly too…although I still feel I should have (lost less when I had a losing session/won a little bit instead and) won more when I had a winning session…but that’s just the way it goes, can’t help it if some of the crucial hands don’t go your way, it’s just like that in SnGs/MTTs…and so I pat myself on the back again for booking a nice winning session…enjoy the short pic dump, especially the second screenshot already mentioned…and i’m outta here…oh and before I forget it: I don’t know if I’ll play the Bodonkey in half an hour, I’m pretty knackered already…but if you like overlays, you should play!

Almost winning is not satisfactory…
It sucks donkey balls to get 3rd place money (or outright bubble), if you’re “supposed” to win. Sigh. I don’t know what it is, but the “crucial hands” just don’t fall my way these days…pretty frustrating and annoying, but what can you do – well, first of all you can let the steam out, hello, what do you think I’m doing here, lol.
The play is mostly a blurr, but I know that I pushed in as the underdog the total number of 3 times tonight (two of which were pretty automatic as I was short). The other times I usually had my opponents down to one overcard, two outs or some similar ungroovy situation – for them. Didn’t help me much. Yes, the best hand held up every now and then…but in the end, when it mattered I got annihilated I mean when it’s a flip, let’s say JJ vs AK…my opponent doesn’t flop an ace…he flops the boat leaving me drawing dead to running jacks. When I have Jacks against Q9…sure enough three outs is enough…etc etc…really crushered…big time. Oh well, enough ranting…I’ll book the small loss and give myself a pat on the back for not playing any longer letting the steam out where it belongs…here on the blog and not at the tables spewing chips…
Enjoy the (not so) random pic dump and gl at the tables…

Winning session leaving a bad taste in my mouth
Ever had that feeling that you played good, made some money, but you’re still feeling slightly sick about the session? That is the case for me tonight. I played “my heart out” but it just wasn’t meant to be. When I should have made the money I didn’t. When I made the money I was “supposed to win”, but didn’t (with one exception). Pretty fugly feeling, I don’t know…I guess I should look at the bright side and be happy with the winning session, but I’m really not. Strange…but what can you do if it’s not happening.
There were basically no brutal beats, just a lot of 60/40s and some automatic hands where you hold a monster (AA) against a shorty and he’s got no choice but to call…sure enough he kicks you in the nuts royally…but oh well…all in all it was 2-6 (good beats to “bad beats” and I use that term lightly here)…
Anyway…I’m outta here…enjoy the random pic dump…oh and before I forget it, if you’re an avid HU player (or just like to donk it up head-to-head) head on over to George’s post and read the details about the new FullTilt HU donkey blowout…

Pretty rough session…
That’s the summary of tonight’s session. It was really pretty rough all in all. Ran into some coolers, some good luck, some bad luck. Interestingly enough I turned into Waffles III tonight. I don’t know if you read it, but Waffles himself ran into Waffles II at the tables, so I gotta be Waffles III for berating the players a the table pointing out how atrocious they were playing…not my usual style, why even educate/make the fish angry…it’s no use…but oh well…
In the end I gotta slaughtered at the tables managing to score one third place in a nine handed SnG…and 0 wins in HU…so I switched gears to finish out the session, I played a HORSE SnG…a little higher than normal in high hopes to meet a player that can fold TPNK…*lol*…he could…still it was a brutal long ass match. It took me slightly over an hour to finish him off, amazing enough…after all I was down 7:6 in coolers…you know the kind where you hold a 75 in razz and he catches a 74…where you flop a boat and he turns a higher one, etc…fun times…in the end I closed the gap and pretty much sealed the deal with cooler nr. 6 for me…a W…a W…that was enough to log off…still stuck…both tonight and big time in the last few weeks…but no use in chasing tonight….
Enjoy the short random pic dump and I’m out…

No joy in the bodonkery
Quite a frustrating comeback to the bodonkey tonight. First I bounced from table to table until the final setup was done…then I pretty much squeezed my way around…then dodged the first cooler…QQ vs KK…at least I didn’t get it in preflop…so I only lost the bare minimum after a K dropped on the flop and I mucked the queens. The next ugly hand was when my velvet hammer (72o) was crushered on the river on a 25679 board…J8 took down the pot…he did have some outs though as it was s00ted and the board contained two hearts…add the open-ender….and boom headshot on the river.
My exit in 38th place came just after the break, after switching to playing on my laptop…not a good move I guess, lol. I look down at AK in the BB and see a MP raise and two calls of 350…I decide that it’s the perfect spot to squeeze. I get called in one spot – by the chipleader, the only player in the hand that has me covered – he shows QQ and I’m happy to report that my streak holds up…no coin-flip win in sight on bodog and I’m out…oh well…at least I can finally catch some sleep now…
Shoutout to Smokkee for hosting…cya next time…
Good, good, good…
That’s the way my results were today…played five SnGs…won four of them…the final one took the longest…it was razz…it was against a player who actually knew how to play razz – which is a rather seldom thing. All in all…a very good feeling to book a solid winning session.
That said, I’m outta here to catch some sleep…tomorrow will be here in no time and I got to get ready for my short trip….wheeee….I leave tomorrow afternoon for a trip to northern germany with my football team, which should be a lot of fun…and drinking…so no play for the next few days…I’ll be back on sunday/monday…gl everyone…
…in the true sense of the word. I had a mole removed on my back this morning and my back is killing me…so “maybe” it wasn’t the best idea to play at all…but I did it anyway…and I got kicked, made some stupid plays, then got kicked again…I <3 when I have ppl drawing to exactly 3 outs and they connect in three consecutive matches…100% on a 3 outer…not bad…. 😥
I’m outta here, let’s see if I can find a position to sleep in, which will not hurt…gl at the tables everyone…
Poker, Poker Wear and Spam
As I don’t feel like playing long sessions these days, I only played to quick ones yesterday and today. Four nine handed turbo SnGs each. Finished first twice yesterday, one third and one first today. Two winning session, although small, in a row. Not bad considering the way I was approaching the game recently…and they way I ran…the way I played due to that…etc…
On the Poker Wear front I was pleased to see the mailman drop off a packet by PokerStars this morning. Finally, after a two month wait he delivered my PokerStars Sports Jacket…wheeee….

On the spam front I’m finally fed up with all the donkbags spamming me like crazy with ridonkulous trackback-spam…so I had to add two more measures to my already overkill antispam-arsenal. From now on track- and pingbacks are disallowed on all posts and comments are closed on posts older than 30 days. I hope that finally cuts out the crap as I’m fed up looking at the spam count (see footer) and seeing the number of blocked spams reaching ridonkulous heights (100+k are you kidding me?)…
Alrighty…I’m outta here…enjoy the random pic dump…and gl at the tables…