Pissed off…
Friday December 21st 2007, 8:57 pm
Filed under: Full Tilt Poker,Heads Up

…okay okay, I’ve never ever been so pissed off. I kept my promise not to play a hand of poker over at stars…I didn’t keep my promise to not play at all though…log on to FullTilt and watch how your bankroll evaporates with beat after beat…unbelievable…the only mystery is why I didn’t log off before losing my whole bankroll on Full Tilt…I should have seen the bs coming…after all I got fucked over in each and every match today…highlight of the day: AQ vs K7…he pushes all-in with no pair no draw after the turn…I call with no pair but the best hand…river 7; even better: last match 30+1.5 NL headsup…my opponent is such a jerk telling me what a fish I am and yadda yadda…I chop him down to under 800…then the usual happens…limp…we see a flop of 654…I hold 64…I bet he pushes…I instacalls…he shows K6o…lol…nice!…turn blank…river 5…counterfeiting my two pair…and busto….ty Full Tilt…thank you online poker in general…you have bend me over and put a whole poker table up my rear-end for the last week…ty very much for all that…what a way to end the year…I’m out…and I’m not sure I’ll EVER play at Full Tilt again (I know that is small-minded as such a bad run can happen, but still, I feel like I’ve been cheated…cheated by luck, by FullTilt, by the bs rng, by everyone….in the end it comes down to this: I GOT UNLUCKY…boohoo….still hurts like hell and if FullTilt was a person I would smack the shit out of him… ;))

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