Sunday October 14th 2007, 10:47 pm
Filed under: MoneyMoneyMoney,MTT,No-Limit Hold'em,PokerStars,Tournaments

Finished in 670th place. After starting at a nice starting table including RoccoBoxer, Tripjax and G-Rob I was moved before the first break, but not before dropping the first hammer against Rocco…gotta love it when you fire and fire and finally your opponent folds to your 3k bet on the turn…lol. I managed to pull out a monster-suckout JT vs KK to really get myself into a good position. Stole some pots and flopped some sets to be above average…then two things happened….I overplayed Ax while my opponent thought it was a good idea to call a preflop raise with QJo…when all was said and done he rivered three queens and I was busto…oh well…at least I had fun…ty Stars for hosting…


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