Filed under: Full Tilt Poker,Heads Up,MTT,No-Limit Hold'em,Omaha H/L,PokerStars,Pot Limit,Rebuy,S&G
Well, well…did a little PLO8 HU SnG session today and while I finished ahead, it was still a little sick in the middle. In the end I had won 5 out of 9 matches, but I felt like it could have/should have been more like 6 or 7 wins…but I can’t help it if none of my monster-draws come through in such crucial hands. The other two matches I lost were fair and square, although mildly sick as well. AKQ2 double suited vs AKKQ…pretty sick…flop K99…cya…lol…
Then it was time for some donkalicious poker in Kat’s friday night rebuy madness and boy oh boy, it was madness. I’ve never been so card-dead ever. In a rebuy event, this doesn’t really matter early on, but it kind of sucks if you don’t get a hand in ages and you push and push and push and the best hand (your opponent’s hand) holds up every friggin time, how sick is that?!
Played 169 hands and had exactly four pocket pairs: 88 flopped a set against Ace rag and doubled up. 22 on the button had to fold to heavy action before it came around to me. 77 pushed, no caller….and my final hand presto != gold if you’re up against K6 s00ted…gg me…apart from that I had AJ once and AK once (both right after the first break). Besides that, nothing…and even if I had something (like the second nut flush) someone would have the better hand (e.g. nut flush) and don’t even get me started on draws…straight and flush draw with a pair…no g00t…flush draw…obv no g00t…etc etc…all in all a really shitty night (card wise), at least I had a good time at the tables with Acorn, Mookie and the others…cya all next week…when I’ll try to redeem myself and take less than 16 rebuys… 😉
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