Filed under: Heads Up,No-Limit Hold'em,Omaha H/L,PokerStars,Pot Limit,S&G
…in a while. Really sick that I can’t get a streak going whatsoever. No chance in hell. I start with a six-handed SnG and I d00minate the table. Once we’re down to three-handed I hold the monster chiplead. At this point I’ve shown nothing but the nuts. I push all-in against shorty number one with QQ. He instacalls with K3o…brilliant play…after all I’m totally out of line all the time, wait not really. Sure enough he spikes the three-outer on the river. Good. A few hands later I push shorty number two all-in with JJ…he instacalls with 78 s00ted…flops middle pair and four flush…sure enough both turn and river are diamonds too…sure enough none of my Jacks is a diamond to beat him. A few hands later shorty number one kills shorty number two…that said, they’re not all that short after all after the good old double-up courtesy of me.
So I enter HU with a small deficit and sure enough he hits against me again…busto in second. Tbh I can’t even recall the exact hand, but it was the usual 60/40 shot for me and his 40 = 99,99999% these days. So sick. Then I fire up some HU SnGs and drop the first one, then I win the next two and I’m happy to quit with a little bit of dough in my pocket. Looking at my play it’s really so sick, I make good decision after good decision and I get kicked in the balls time and time again. I’m sooo curious to see when my ultimate-karma-balancing-unstoppable-winning-streak is going to come through as I’m due…at least I think so
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