Filed under: Heads Up,No-Limit Hold'em,PokerStars,Razz,S&G,Shorthanded
It’s not an upswing, but it isn’t a real downswing either, it’s more or less a going nowhere swing. Win one lose one, win one lose one…rinse repeat…
That pretty much sums up my headsup experience these days, I just can’t get a streak going, once I win a match there’s the next cooler waiting in the next match, really frustrating.
If I would be in that zone in the shorthanded SnGs I would be satisfied these days, but I ain’t. I’m the bubble boy too often. It’s just that everytime the bubble comes around, no matter if I’m short, medium or big stacked, it’s just that I run into spots that see me lose it, somehow and if it’s by a fugly river card…today was no exception…just as the blinds are about to jump to 300/600 ante 50…this hand comes down…
What am I supposed to do there? Reraise preflop – I put him on a steal, which means ATC…but I think I’m 60/40…I still like to flat call and see what evolves. What evolves is that I flop two pair and he was s00ted…sure enough the river brings his friggin diamond ball and I’m pretty much crippled…I get it in with two live cards in the next hand and can’t catch anything…and I’m busto bubble-lo….so fugly…
I found one new soft spot on PokerStars though…played some headsup Razz…I mean, Razz is the ultimate tilter, but it’s not really if you play against people who capped it while being board-locked….oh well…can’t fault him if he really thought he was playing Stud….lol…I’ll keep hitting that soft spot for a while now I guess….
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