A few days away from the tables…
Tuesday July 03rd 2007, 12:39 am
Filed under: Full Tilt Poker,Heads Up,No-Limit Hold'em,PokerStars,S&G,Shorthanded

…and ain’t a damn thing changed. After a nice, pokerless, weekend I returned to the tables tonight and it wasn’t pretty. I started off with some donk action at FullTilt – it’s been a while since I played there, but I decided to redeposit some dough to play in Katitude’s friday night rebuy madness last friday. Played some headsup and managed to pull out 3 wins in 5 tries.

After that, I jumped to PokerStars and shit hit the fan, again. To start things off I play a six-handed SnG and after beating up some donks in a few pots I’m sitting pretty, second in chips, trailing the chipleader only by 200 despite the fact that he had already eliminated a player. So things are good and I look down at JJ. Push comes to shove and sure enough I have the best hand…he has TT…board TxAxx…cya…so fugly.

So I jump into headsup mode and all is good. I win the first two matches easily and then it happens again. I can’t have a god damn hand hold up. Gutshot, boom. Runner runner, boom. Two outer, boom. Three outer, boom…and ain’t it the best when you hold a significant chiplead, then someone runner runners you good to get close to being back in the game and then the following hand comes up…
so sick

Guess how that match worked out after that hand? Yup, another lovely bottom pair + gutshot hitting the gutshot on the river a few hands later. Poker is so beautiful sometimes. So…all in all I lost the next 6 matches in a row. Gutterballs, counterfeited two pair, two pair against set etc etc, all the beautiful hands out of the freezer. Lovely. Somehow I managed not to tilt off too badly and won two matches to close the session.

Consolation prize of the night: my bad luck was good enough to finally clear the 10 Billionth hand bonus, so at least my losses for the night are covered, still sucks though. I mean, come on, not a single god damn 4:1 (AA vs KK (see above), 88 vs 55 – he flops a set, JJ vs TT – he flops a set) hand held up for me, I took sick beat after sick beat, how long can this happen to a player? God damn it… oh well…better luck next time…and I’d better have some “more normal” luck soonish as this is just unreal 😉

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