Filed under: Full Tilt Poker,No-Limit Hold'em,PokerStars,S&G,Tournaments
Well, well…I didn’t drop from the face of the earth, I just wasn’t in the mood to write something about my play the last few days. Yesterday and today I dropped back into the good old WSODP, no that’s not the currently running WSOP, it’s the World Series of Donkey Poker (aka Low Limit NL Hold’em Online) 😉
A couple of SnGs here, a couple more SnGs there…mostly with mixed success – more ITMs than busts, but nothing newsworthy, apart from the fact that I’m really enjoying the time at the tables again. How come? The simple fact that I’m playing straight up poker most of the time, but I allow myself to use some reverse donkey logic every now and then. What is that? Well, basically entering pots with very marginal hands when I’ve got a feel for the players entering the pot (mostly coming in with a medium raise, probably with an Ax) and huge implied (tilt) odds. Nothing better than to “crack” someones Ace rag with a bs two pair – especially knowing that they can’t laydown a hand if there life depended on it and hence scoring huge. Even when not scoring huge, it adds more excitement if you can drop the hammer on someone and put them on uber-tilt…
Apart from that I’m still enjoying the World Cup over here, although there were some crap games and decisions – can you believe that the Socceroos really lost on a penalty 7 seconds before the end of regulation…and a more than questionable penalty at that! You won’t even believe how I screamed at the telly and how I cursed every Italian that drove around after the game celebrating their victory. True, such a thing is just another form of variance and over time it’ll smooth itself out (after all Italy basically got screwed in the last WC vs South Korea, this time they screwed the Aussies), but ask any player of the Aussie team and I’m laying 100:1 odds on the “I don’t give a shit, we were screwed” answer…and another 4 years (or maybe even more) are a long time to get even (if it ever happens)….I would have loved to see the Aussies head into overtime and get the win 🙁 then seeing them again in the semis on our way to the finals 😉
Sidenote on tonight’s WWdN: I missed the start and just as I went looking for late registration I found that a player was already out. So I went ahead and watched a little and what can I say: I’ve never ever seen the luckbox get sucked out on so hard – I was too slow to take a screenshot, but let’s just say that CJ‘s AA was no match to the 99…can you say Dem Quads Beetches! Wow!!!
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