- Hours of poker watched: 7h
- Hours of donkey poker witnessed: 6.75h
- Learning experience? Yup, just because it’s a 1 Million $ tourney doesn’t make the players any better (in all fairness there are some good players in the field, but most players are really playing heehaw-get lucky-or not-poker and to navigate through a field of 5k+ players you will need some kind boards along the way)…basically a real crapshoot for the most part…so this is def one I’m not going to try out for…
- Player that impressed me most: Per-18, knocking out almost everyone from his table to reach the final table with nearly 3Million in chips
Now it’s past 6 am and I need some sleep…the final table is still at 9 players, so I guess I’ll read about the result on the pokerstars blog later today… 🙂
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